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Ok this is the stas on Auto Play right now

hmm so honestly i still have no clue waht the hell AP is... but then again i've been playing again for 11 days so i guess its not a big suprise... i still hate racing always have and always will i see no gain in it at all... i've always bullied my way into a top crew by HI'ing everyone in the crew till they can't take it anymore and decide to sacrifice someone to make a spot for me so they won't get hit anymore lol...

racing dosn't effect my nw or my HI's or anything actually... i realize that they are promoting racing more with all the prizes for IDE ect... but back when i played reguarly that was just a medal and you had to dedicate your whole round to racing non stop sitting online for hours on end... so i suppose i still have that mentality when i see this AP now...

So really i could do without it it just seems to cuase more lag and more problems with the server in my mind with all the extras that have to be used.

but hell what do i know i'm just here to HI and make everyone's life a living hell
You will never be what we once were....

I do like AP but I do get annoyed that no one comes online.

I think more XP should be given for Online and less CMs for AP. To make people race online MORE!

And Deffinately Ray Put Unlimited NW bars on!.
H3avenB0und aKa: Lil-Luceifer

I turned to the darkside, just for the cookies =)


As was pointed out, online racing gets more exp so there's still incentive to be online.

Speaking as a relative noob, i had NO chance before AP came on and now i'm in 6th and was in 2nd for a while...granted that may be much from luck but i attribute my sudden success to the help of AP.

As was also pointed out, the ratio is easier to maintain...so even if you're a noob, if you're not a total idiot there are many ways you can have AP work in your favor instead of against you.

I haven't had problems finding top guys to talk to...especially in the beginning when everyone was racing and way ahead.

Ap is new, and so is an easy scapegoat, i think there are many more positives it brings to the game then negatives.

Oh and who said it should only be for members???? what a terrible idea...wonderwomen already addressed it.
I dunno...maybe, whatever. Y'know, but...I guess.

would def help, but is it not at all possible to add an option in the profile to display level publicly or something along the lines as if racing online is the best way to level knowing whos what levels helps a lot better then the threads on this forum

AP races should gain 0 CMS and very minimal exp.
Just my 2 cents


slacker-god Wrote:As was pointed out, online racing gets more exp so there's still incentive to be online.

Speaking as a relative noob, i had NO chance before AP came on and now i'm in 6th and was in 2nd for a while...granted that may be much from luck but i attribute my sudden success to the help of AP.

As was also pointed out, the ratio is easier to maintain...so even if you're a noob, if you're not a total idiot there are many ways you can have AP work in your favor instead of against you.

I haven't had problems finding top guys to talk to...especially in the beginning when everyone was racing and way ahead.

Ap is new, and so is an easy scapegoat, i think there are many more positives it brings to the game then negatives.

Oh and who said it should only be for members???? what a terrible idea...wonderwomen already addressed it.

I'm on the same page with what slacker-god said, alot seem to hate it, but without it I wouldn't be able to do much. I wish I could stay online like I used to, but 4 out of 7 days of the week I work 12 hours a day, not including the 2 hour round trip drive I have and sometimes I work a 12 hour shift 7 days a week so it's hard for me to do much without AP. When I wake up in the morning I'll work my credits and when I get home I'll stay online as much as I can before I have to go to sleep. It hurt when the EXP was taken away from AP last time so I couldn't imagine losing any more. Just my 2 cents.


Is everyone forgetting about the bots being used to log people online and log them off to gain more exp already?! Ummm If anything it will only further the gap between the bot users and the AP users. You don't honestly think the top racers are actually signing on and off every 4 minutes do you?

Re-Ignite the FLAME.

strEetRAcer Wrote:Is everyone forgetting about the bots being used to log people online and log them off to gain more exp already?! Ummm If anything it will only further the gap between the bot users and the AP users. You don't honestly think the top racers are actually signing on and off every 4 minutes do you?

maybe not this round, but i know some who did that last round, NO BOTS/MACROS, but they signed in and out.
[Image: Midori_Fairy_by_buttonnose.jpg]

morad Wrote:So if I reduced exp gained even more with AP, reduced DRASTICALLY how many CMS you get on AP, took away AP levelling for you but still made it race and full and etc it would be fine?

I will work on reducing the effect of AP on the game but it wont be removed. I will make it that if you want anything of importance for winning purposes that you have to race and HI online. I do get that AP makes the game tedious but it is temporary untill our plans have been met.


So, if you took away the exp drastically, fixed how many cms you got, and took away leveling, what is really the point of AP?

You know what I am sayin?

i like the game how it is.......yea theres some things to work out but over all i like this session alot lol......yea i agrees we barley get any xp from ap but i do all my lvlin when im online.....i get my cm'z both way all so im set lol......

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