04-25-2007, 03:11 AM
strEetRAcer Wrote:Not like anyone doesn't know my opinion about it.. But since Rom3o begged and cried like a 5 year old girl, and created a good chance for AP to be on the chopping block.. Just watch for macros to come back, and the "MC Community" go F*** it, how do we stop it again? Back to square f**** one! Thank you
.. guys it's not like i'm not online all the time.. I don't have a macro, I accepted all my 401 races online by clicking the damn mouse like a real racer. I don't have a problem with the changes, I have the ability to be online a lot and still be a decent player.. However, I am thinking about the rest of MC who doesn't! Why not start a time keeper to see who's online the most.. and sign off people who are online more than 8 minutes with no action.. Since that's what you're tying to make the game about.. You're still going to have to stop macros from being used. I don't care what happens, I don't spend on this game anymore cause it's not worth it, plain and simple.
so your saying that we should be logged off every 8 minutes? if macros run they have "action" every 4 minutes, and that wuoud kill your point.
And if im "racing" why would i do anything else but wait till the races go through? not like theres anything else to do... so the "real" racers just wait.... Inactive till the next race period.