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Sharing Accounts and Passwords

He_Hate_Me Wrote:well lets see, that was directly after you worked his account.

That shows that you were on their to take the lead, not to help him out. You openly admitted this, so why lie about it. This is twice youve been called out on cheating, and neither time did I mention your name.

But who is the first one to show up screaming "Im not cheating!"

You are, and im wondering why is that.

I came in here because i think there should be a system preventing people from using other peoples accounts. You came in here and outted yourself BOTH TIMES for what?

both times, maybe getting on his name to work his credits was wrong, but both times, ur a fool for saying that beating other crews makes them a cheater crew

u really have no idea wat this game is about
and i come into the forums and post on anything, and u seen someone on his name, and i knew it was me, i dont feel the need to have explained myself but i did... ray knows i was on his name lookin at something so seriously man:fu:
IGN Unbeatable

All im saying, is that its a little fucked up that the same exact person is playing the top 1,2,3 spots. If no one else agrees, take a good long look at how many people are playing this game.

So congratulations on 1st
and 3rd


if it were just me on those names and only me... that would be sad that i could hold 1st second and third, but its not.... i had never been on his name until earlier and wont be back on it

kiro is mia for some unknown reason so his name is dead

so.... wat r u trying to prove, by saying i run all the names, thats funny, and absurd but kinda sad, cuz look at where they are 1st 2nd and 3rd like u said

i have no reason to get on h8s name now unless he has more problems.... and im done with kiros name as well
IGN Unbeatable

mustangkid05 Wrote:both times, maybe getting on his name to work his credits was wrong, but both times, ur a fool for saying that beating other crews makes them a cheater crew

u really have no idea wat this game is about
and i come into the forums and post on anything, and u seen someone on his name, and i knew it was me, i dont feel the need to have explained myself but i did... ray knows i was on his name lookin at something so seriously man:fu:

Beating a crew doesnt make it a cheater crew, and whichever idiot put it in your brain that that is what i thought, well, is just a big an idiot as you i guess.

I described a cheater crew as a crew of your friends, which is put together for the sole purpose of giving you wins.
Of course no one would ever admit it under these circumstances, but two people that i talk to on a reg basis, (that are friends of urs) already said that YOU specifically asked them to start a crew for you. LOL, again, you'll deny it all day long, but we both know what the truth is.

And i dont really care about top crew. Eventually, it will be only Winners Circle playing this game, and how fun would that be. 1 crew, 10 active members= a really fun time.

My point is that behavior like this guys, it what is drawing people away from this game. No one want to play a game controlled by the same people every round, and thats just the way it is.

I think you take this crew shit a little too seroiusly, let alone MC in general. Lol im playin for fun, barely trying and still making medals. You seem to think that no one is good enough to "be on your level" whatever that means

Im assuming that is overweight with acne living in moms basement, all the meanwhile never getting pus y

mustangkid05 Wrote:if it were just me on those names and only me... that would be sad that i could hold 1st second and third, but its not.... i had never been on his name until earlier and wont be back on it

kiro is mia for some unknown reason so his name is dead

so.... wat r u trying to prove, by saying i run all the names, thats funny, and absurd but kinda sad, cuz look at where they are 1st 2nd and 3rd like u said

i have no reason to get on h8s name now unless he has more problems.... and im done with kiros name as well

very easy to deny everything, then after the fact say you will never do it again. lol

The point is, the people in 1,2,3 are all being logged onto by the same person. THAT, is a problem, and I would think that would raise some ?s, were there enough people playing to care

He_Hate_Me Wrote:Beating a crew doesnt make it a cheater crew, and whichever idiot put it in your brain that that is what i thought, well, is just a big an idiot as you i guess.

I described a cheater crew as a crew of your friends, which is put together for the sole purpose of giving you wins.
Of course no one would ever admit it under these circumstances, but two people that i talk to on a reg basis, (that are friends of urs) already said that YOU specifically asked them to start a crew for you. LOL, again, you'll deny it all day long, but we both know what the truth is.

And i dont really care about top crew. Eventually, it will be only Winners Circle playing this game, and how fun would that be. 1 crew, 10 active members= a really fun time.

My point is that behavior like this guys, it what is drawing people away from this game. No one want to play a game controlled by the same people every round, and thats just the way it is.

I think you take this crew shit a little too seroiusly, let alone MC in general. Lol im playin for fun, barely trying and still making medals. You seem to think that no one is good enough to "be on your level" whatever that means

Im assuming that is overweight with acne living in moms basement, all the meanwhile never getting pus y


ur the reason ppl dont wanna play u talk shit and sound like a fool

overweight with acne living in moms basement???
not hardly im pretty sure u cant be over weight to play middle linebacker at a small college... acne??? nah i take baths, moms basement, nahh my own apartment so dont make stupid accusations
IGN Unbeatable

oh and one more thing, im off to go pick my girl up so there goes the no pussy idea tty fuckers later
IGN Unbeatable

All bickering aside, look at it like this

As much as everyone seems to have a passion for this game, do you really want to see and MC with less than 100 active players? Imagine if there were 1-2 crews each round, would that really be fun? Sure, it would be an easy win, but when your winning against only a few people it doesnt feel as good.

Anybody can play a game by there self, win it, then be proud about it. But is the competition your looking for really there? Personally, Id like to see a round where Winners Circle members all made their own crews, then watch that competition. Instead of one crew consisting of all the best members, how about 10 crews, all with great members actually competing instead of helpin each other out. Sure, it wouldnt be easy. But it would be FUN.

I want what is best for MC, let me assure you. I look at how it is, and call me crazy, but it seems like the same group of elites run the game, and there isnt anything wrong with that.

But for NEW members unlike the two of us, think of how that looks. I think we all can admit its no fun playing a game you cant win. I really wish there were over a thousand actives, because that would make for some healthy competition, and wild sessions.

All of this is just multiplied by the fact that 1st 2nd as well as 3rd are being played by the same player. Sure, you havent played them all the whole round, but why are you playin any of them any of the rounds?
If someone has a problem on their account, let them send a support ticket. I had the same NW problem as im sure a lot of others did, but no one got on my account to check it out.

My credits max out often, but no one gets on to use them for me. That is part of the game, if you cant get on, you miss out. It sucks, but im pretty sure there is a reason its set up like that.

So I am done arguing with people about who did this, who did that, and who sucks at MC. Keep telling new players that they suck and will never be as good as you, im sure that will keep them rolling in.

Enough Said

LOL and to add to that, I constantly am asking new registered users if they need any help or tips, or anything for that matter

I want people to get good at this game, so they actually enjoy playing it instead of getting their asses kicked until they quit.

I dont start shit in the forums, I come in here and state my opinion, and if that involves you, sorry.
Im simply coming here to post what i think is right, and what i think is wrong with the game, and a lot of shit in between.

Think what you want, but I didnt start this thread to get into a bitchfight with you, I started it because i truly dont think that what you did is neccessary, nor fair to anyone else playing the game by the normal standards and rules.

SO please, dont see this post or the last as another attack. This kind of forum bitching probably doesnt help either of our cases

He_Hate_Me Wrote:All bickering aside, look at it like this

As much as everyone seems to have a passion for this game, do you really want to see and MC with less than 100 active players? Imagine if there were 1-2 crews each round, would that really be fun? Sure, it would be an easy win, but when your winning against only a few people it doesnt feel as good.

Anybody can play a game by there self, win it, then be proud about it. But is the competition your looking for really there? Personally, Id like to see a round where Winners Circle members all made their own crews, then watch that competition. Instead of one crew consisting of all the best members, how about 10 crews, all with great members actually competing instead of helpin each other out. Sure, it wouldnt be easy. But it would be FUN.

I want what is best for MC, let me assure you. I look at how it is, and call me crazy, but it seems like the same group of elites run the game, and there isnt anything wrong with that.

But for NEW members unlike the two of us, think of how that looks. I think we all can admit its no fun playing a game you cant win. I really wish there were over a thousand actives, because that would make for some healthy competition, and wild sessions.

I would like to see a lot of crews going for top. But that happening is unlikely. Some people will race the first few days and then stop coming on. Therefore whoever is the leader ends up getting the shaft. I say to all the good players to teach at least one person how to play to get the ball rolling.
I'm top crew material....I CAN SPAM RACES!!!!


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