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Sneak Peak: What's new in MC V3

I dont want to spend as i dont feel the need to have a load of icons on an online game..i just play for fun..i only spend to help freinds out and if im pissed and i dont realise i spend.
[Image: 53369.png]

I am teh Fail Frcg Big Grin

crazyfrog555 Wrote:means i can spend and win and have it secured hahaha

Thats how it was in the past. The winner was decided by a select few and then they protected that person. Made sure he was not in range offline, but onine there was no 4x gap for HI's. I think that is how it should. Offline should have a cap, but online should have no cap.
[Image: 30.png]

modogg85 Wrote:Thats how it was in the past. The winner was decided by a select few and then they protected that person. Made sure he was not in range offline, but onine there was no 4x gap for HI's. I think that is how it should. Offline should have a cap, but online should have no cap.

yes i like that...no cap online plz...only a 4x cap offline...put the success rate for offline higher that online also..but payout more for online hit .. :x
[Image: 53369.png]

I am teh Fail Frcg Big Grin

Lol you guys want everything handed to you with a silverspoon might as well accept the fact that no matter how many versions Ray and Cres make you guys will fuck up every single 1 of them. Get use to having 14 players.

Av3rsion Wrote:Lol you guys want everything handed to you with a silverspoon might as well accept the fact that no matter how many versions Ray and Cres make you guys will fuck up every single 1 of them. Get use to having 14 players.

What is your problem. They do not make more REV's because of the current players. They do that to evolve the game. IMO Rev 1 had the most players, then they started changing it and lossing players. They are just not picking up as many players as they used to. But they also have many different games now as before it was just MC they were worried bout.
[Image: 30.png]

modogg85 Wrote:What is your problem. They do not make more REV's because of the current players. They do that to evolve the game. IMO Rev 1 had the most players, then they started changing it and lossing players. They are just not picking up as many players as they used to. But they also have many different games now as before it was just MC they were worried bout.

You dont get it. The shit you guys beg for like Spending and HI and all this shit limits the amount of players on the game. Spending should be limited. Hi's shouldnt be as easy as u guys want it. It should be a pure racing game but you guys dont want that and that is why this game has gone down the gutter.

you want a pure racin game kiro try playing top shift

yeh,this is meant to be a mix between the pure racing of TS and the stealing and attacking part of SH.
[Image: 53369.png]

I am teh Fail Frcg Big Grin

Av3rsion Wrote:You dont get it. The shit you guys beg for like Spending and HI and all this shit limits the amount of players on the game. Spending should be limited. Hi's shouldnt be as easy as u guys want it. It should be a pure racing game but you guys dont want that and that is why this game has gone down the gutter.

I hate to do this, but trust me froggy is right. This is supposed to be a nice mixture. They have been told that HI was too hard, then they loosen it up and were told it was too loose. They like to find a middle ground.

When you talk about you spenders who are you talking about? Cause well I dont spend nearly as much as other people, and probable spend just as much as you do.

The game is here for fun. They need to make it fun for all players. If people wanted to race 24/7 they would join TS, if they wanted to steal shit 24/7 they would go to SH.

Before you start complaining about people asking for changes in the game you got to realize that yes this is a business, and yes they do this to make money, and yes they like to keep customers happy. In that they might lose so customers, but hopefully the changes bring on new customers, or maybe old customers that want to see something new.
[Image: 30.png]

modogg85 Wrote:I hate to do this, but trust me froggy is right. This is supposed to be a nice mixture. They have been told that HI was too hard, then they loosen it up and were told it was too loose. They like to find a middle ground.

When you talk about you spenders who are you talking about? Cause well I dont spend nearly as much as other people, and probable spend just as much as you do.

The game is here for fun. They need to make it fun for all players. If people wanted to race 24/7 they would join TS, if they wanted to steal shit 24/7 they would go to SH.

Before you start complaining about people asking for changes in the game you got to realize that yes this is a business, and yes they do this to make money, and yes they like to keep customers happy. In that they might lose so customers, but hopefully the changes bring on new customers, or maybe old customers that want to see something new.

The Home invading aspect of the game should not be that greater then the racing. The HI has always been the lazy thing so they limit it so the high nw guys cant get hit now u want that erased. Then you want Hi's to be super easy you cant find a middle ground on a dead game.

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