01-02-2009, 10:03 PM
#1 Change the exp bonus for top player/crew to X4top player/X2 top crew
I like this idea, due to the fact it gives racers something to gain by racing hard.Everyone needs something to race for........
#2 Change the exp for ONLINE racing losses to 20% of what winner gets
If this was implimented it is very similar to REV.1 only due to the fact that even losing a race you gain something.
#3 Change the speed at which credits come to ONLINE players only: to 40/5mins for members and 20/5mins to non members
This change would benefit the more active players...be it racers or thieves.
#4 Change MC exp back to way it was in REV 1 IE exp gained is max for net worth x level and the multiplier is the DIFFERENCE in NW. IE: most exp is from top guys racing lowest guys and vice versa
This is also a better setup then the spam fest one sided way it is now.My only concern with this is it going to be challenge races or free for all like it is now? I remember with challenge races being a new guy nobody would ever give me a race....always had to beg......but if its free for all then i like it lol......
#5 Be able to block people from racing you, up to 10 players. #4 would eliminate this problem, IMO
Blocking people because they spam you...ive been on both sides of this and I do believe the good players can overcome being spammed,however new players cannot. So blocking 10 people from racing you...sure why not.
#6 Anything I might have missed
Excellent job compiling the ideas guys.
We need to keep the new and future players interested and at the same time have FUN!!!!!!
Afterall it is a game, we play to escape the reality of real life. I really enjoy this game and its members, hopefully we can all make this a better place for us and new members.
I like this idea, due to the fact it gives racers something to gain by racing hard.Everyone needs something to race for........
#2 Change the exp for ONLINE racing losses to 20% of what winner gets
If this was implimented it is very similar to REV.1 only due to the fact that even losing a race you gain something.
#3 Change the speed at which credits come to ONLINE players only: to 40/5mins for members and 20/5mins to non members
This change would benefit the more active players...be it racers or thieves.
#4 Change MC exp back to way it was in REV 1 IE exp gained is max for net worth x level and the multiplier is the DIFFERENCE in NW. IE: most exp is from top guys racing lowest guys and vice versa
This is also a better setup then the spam fest one sided way it is now.My only concern with this is it going to be challenge races or free for all like it is now? I remember with challenge races being a new guy nobody would ever give me a race....always had to beg......but if its free for all then i like it lol......
#5 Be able to block people from racing you, up to 10 players. #4 would eliminate this problem, IMO
Blocking people because they spam you...ive been on both sides of this and I do believe the good players can overcome being spammed,however new players cannot. So blocking 10 people from racing you...sure why not.
#6 Anything I might have missed
Excellent job compiling the ideas guys.
We need to keep the new and future players interested and at the same time have FUN!!!!!!
Afterall it is a game, we play to escape the reality of real life. I really enjoy this game and its members, hopefully we can all make this a better place for us and new members.
Failure is not an Option!