01-02-2009, 02:21 PM
LuDe Wrote:not being able to HI u is the stupidest idea ever...i mean thats not fair because jeremy would not be able to HI anyone because everyone is going to block him...and like last season everyone would have blocked EZE because we raped everyone...this game is a racing game for sure, but this game was built on HI..without HI this game would have fell through a long time ago...if anyone hates the fact that they are getting HIed...go play TS instead....
So true, The ONLY advantage a crew has against a top crews exp is the ability to have someone HI the shit out of them and take them off the top spots, thus allowing a more competitive exp scenario. Lude is absolutely right, HI built this game, its where the vast majority of money comes from. Block HI'ers, thats insane, although years ago when I was playing someone did build a bot that signed them off every time I showed an online status. Now THAT was smart.