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Awkard Question

awesome, tell him we said hello! lol :x
Randy || Ready2Rumble || BlackWidow

BlackWidow™ Wrote:don't settle for being a 2nd string bitch. She chose the other dude over you, but IF that doesn't work out she thinks she will have your pathetic ass ready and willing for a rebound.

listen to raymondo and find a decent girl.

randy has been known to give good advice this is one of those times... she chose the other guy get over her. She isnt worth having around. you dont love her btw you love the fact you are getting laid by her. there is better out there i am sure.

BlackWidow™ Wrote:awesome, tell him we said hello! lol :x

When you're banging you gotta randomly be like, "BlackWidow says hi"
Miss Kelly

NoToRiOuS_ThUgS Wrote:lol......my other x came back in my life last nite dated for 3 yrs now shes back lol so gonna be having sex with both of em now

liar we all know your a nerdy 24 year old virgin whos best sex experience was a blow up doll with your moms picture taped to the head. quit trying to impress us with your player ways and fess up. YOU LIVE IN YOUR MOTHERS BASEMENT

what a stupid thread... why is this still going on?

i dont think anyone really cares about your sex life.. good for you, get laid by your ex girlfriends.

all your doing is bragging to yourself to a bunch of people who dont really care....

just dont understand the point in telling us...

Kelly087 Wrote:When you're banging you gotta randomly be like, "BlackWidow says hi"

am I the only one who doesnt think he picked up on Randy's joke?

Quote: awesome, tell him we said hello! lol :x

*insert signature here*

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