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Really impress me

Did I say anything about making it fair for noobs? roflmao, not trying to level the playing field here between vets and noobs and if helper crews aren't that important then what is the big deal running one session without em? sounds to me more like fear of being outed here than anything concrete on why it shouldn't be changed.

"it has always been like that" is an excuse, not a reason.

and if they deserve the icons, why do they need helpers?

as i mentioned also in many other threads

helpers alow players who r good but maybe less trusted to earn there way intoa top crew more comfotably as well as the fact other crews wil have helpers.

its allows for more money to be made more werking as to look nicer on top 10.

LOL!! Open minds are what this idea is about.. I dont' agree with this idea so I can get top crew. LOL!!!! This is about the same crew winning TOP crew over and over again. Who want to bother if no one else has a chance?? Please keep an open mind with this topic romeo, and others for the matter. Fair? what is that?? If people know they don't have a chance in hell, they will begin not to bother.
Noob, what Noob...

it artificially inflates the teams br. end of discussion on helpers.

if you want to make a top team you should be a good player that is how you get into top teams or at least how you should.

i can make a crew ne session dynasty runs and wihtout trying or ne helpers get 2nd place. its a known fact.

it helps raise teams br or u can put it as u did regardless it open opportunitys for others to earn a spot ina top crew,.

it however does not DETERMIN the top crew or make fuk all diference between the battle of 1st n 2nd place, its base dupon the NUMBER OF CMS and how well the crew races to raise there level and work and keep cms.

other crew dont have a chance because they r shi1t its that simple.

if u get people who are willing to outrace them for cms then they wil win.

that is all I am asking. Just race, prove dynasty is the best. Everyone seems to get the idea that I don't think they are.

I never said that!

What I said is, prove you are the best, without help. What is being top crew with helpers? I'm sorry I'm not buying it. As Chris said all of a sudden top nw got real interesting when they took out the cash races. I think top crew would as well.

I never asked for help, I never said dynasty were not great players. Yes I am a noob, and probably making a few enemies carrying this on. But if helpers are not that important then do without them for one session.

and as to helping bring in people you trust slightly less? why in gods name would you bring in anyone you didn't trust fully into a top team?

It is a way of BUYING your way into a top team.

When all is said and done I am sure everyone will ignore this much the way they ignored Black Rains calling out teams to race him, but it is sad.

"we would own you without helpers that is fact, but ummmm we aren't gonna do it because we need to make a statement on the top team page and uhhhh we need to figure out who to give an icon to next session and the only way we can trust people is by having them help us crush everyone the session before......"

sad Sad

oooh wait Big Grin I can get 60 of my TS buddies to make helper crews for me!!!!!

nvm I like helpers now

TS guys would only be too willing to help, just seems there is no challenge if thats the way to go.
[Image: awards.jpg]

Now all you MC guys know that these TS guys know how to race hell i have played both and have icons in both, both games are fun but that is why i left MC and retired for good i am not a big fan of the way the dynasty was lead this session because some guys that helped them early got crapped on for helper leaders to take there spot in the end and there was some bad leading going on, now i know sleep came into a messed up situation BUT no excuse for all the booting and spot giving away that went on, and i wont play until it is done, a helper crew leader should be first in line NEXT session to either get a spot or leader the crew, not get a spot that round for an icon, you are just screwing a guy out of a spot like wraith or lights out, go f u c k e d this session that is another reason i left dynasty but i have put my 2 cents in so go ahead and flame me if you want

Perhaps the game should be set so that if you have a car, you have the cash... then the game automatically accepts the challenges if someone issues one to your crew...

Then there is no crap about it... everyone can race anyone they want and they can race them again and again... but if you get called out by a better car, then you lose the race, end of story...

None of this "Selective Racing" shit!
[Image: Rain1.jpg]

Why doesn't it surprise me that you don't like the way it is either? lol

oh well play it as it is I guess, but seems like a kinda pathetic way to win. and don't anyone give me any BS about it not being a way to win. Look at the facts top team is based on crew br and winning %

winning against helper crews ups sponsorship hence you make more money when you work. hmmm crew br goes up faster.

Winning against helper crews ummmmm yeah gee that helps winning % don't it?

Damn I am missing something here, how do helper crews have nothing to do with whether or not the top team is decided beforehand again?

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