09-15-2005, 08:28 AM
Your Import Models sold 186,964 calendars, which made you $934,820.
Your Crew Import Models made you an additional $30.
You lost 2,304 disgruntled Import Models.
It seems you have run out of calendars for them to sell!
You have 0 calendars remaining.
this is after I just bought 1 million callenders, and checked to make sure they were in my inventory. And no one home invaded me and got calendars either. It happens to me quite often. Does this happen to anyone else? I find it annoying as hell to loose 2000+ models and possibly even crew models over and error in the game. Not to mention the millions in cash
Your Crew Import Models made you an additional $30.
You lost 2,304 disgruntled Import Models.
It seems you have run out of calendars for them to sell!
You have 0 calendars remaining.
this is after I just bought 1 million callenders, and checked to make sure they were in my inventory. And no one home invaded me and got calendars either. It happens to me quite often. Does this happen to anyone else? I find it annoying as hell to loose 2000+ models and possibly even crew models over and error in the game. Not to mention the millions in cash