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  All My Suggestions In One!
Posted by: Kiro - 03-03-2015, 08:13 PM - Forum: Game Idea's and Suggestions - No Replies

Alright so I figured with me being level 8 and seeing what this session has brought and changed that I will post one thread with what I feel needs tweaking and tuning and some things that need a definite change. So here we go.

#1: Remove the level 3 to home invade and thieve and change home invasions to make them harder in general and then make them harder for specific statuses. Change thieving so that you can only steal cars when they are at home, prowling, or cruising but make them a little bit harder or add security systems to the cars which make them harder.

#2: More XP for races for the lower levels, the time it takes to get your level up is a lot with these 4 minute races and sometimes longer as the races seem to stall to finish. It needs to be easier to get through the lower levels and possibly a little bit easier to get through the higher ones, at the rate that levels like 8 take people would get bored, we need constant progression for racers.

#3: Car balancing, Imports need cars unlocked faster than the rest and all cars need parts for them, full parts if possible to make things competitive. Also it might not be such a bad idea for cars with less weight to have less horsepower after upgrading them to make the weights less of a massive decision factor on what cars are good, this would allow for a good variety of cars to be used more than they are now.

#4: Model Happiness needs a big change so that the people who lose a ton of races do not get hit as bad, I would say a 75 percent happiness cap maybe to allow people with a lot of losses to still have a chance to compete but perhaps not as strong as one who may have a 90 win ratio.

#5: WWI medals making it so that the different car classes like E D C B A give credits and medals as well, these would obviously be a lot more competitive than the fastest Euro, Domestic, Import

#6: Levels make cars more consistent, perhaps by a certain level your car is fully consistent so you can TNT your cars, this would make racing more of a necessity to ensure you are at the level where you can TNT fully as right now I still cannot TNT a car going from running 10.4 to 11.3

#7: Crew Models counted when working, as in the entire crew's combined, what is a team if they have separate working crew models? Crew Models should only be lost especially in bunches when you run out of calendars while working, other than that maybe one or two occasionally but not that often. These were essential to a good team as burning crew models on accident could cost you the game.

Will add more later if I think of anything else.

  Experience/Cars Parts
Posted by: SSVegito - 03-03-2015, 07:34 PM - Forum: Game Idea's and Suggestions - Replies (1)

I think that the rate at which you level up is increased. This will solve a few issues I am noticing and some of it is deterring people from playing. 

First and foremost the fact you need to be level 3 to steal. It takes roughly a hundred races as it stands now to get to that point. So 100 races every four minutes that is very time consuming to the person who wants to get on and just steal and have fun that way.  I think you should raise the amount of experience you get from people who are higher level than you and has by net worth gap. This is how it use to be back in Rev 1 where higher NW and levels= higher amount of experience. I think this would make those who are just on to steal have an enjoyable time while still benefiting racers. 

Another thing that this would improve would be the amount of cars a higher level person can acquire. I mean why have level 27 cars in the game if even the most diligent racer can only get to 14-15 max. I think this would add to the experience for racers with having a wider variety of cars to try and tune to be top in I.D.E..

 Having a wide variety of cars is great but having parts for those cars is probably more beneficial.  I will have to remember which car it was and take a screen shot but it was a domestic car but had WRX parts for it.  This being said I think that you have too many options without cars having proper parts set up for them.  I am sure this isn't and easy fix but I believe by cutting amount of cars in half but putting in proper parts that it would make the game even more competitive for racers. 

  Car Balancing
Posted by: Kiro - 03-03-2015, 03:50 PM - Forum: Game Idea's and Suggestions - Replies (3)

I have this session and last tested different cars and all of the specific different ones like Imports etc...

Anyways all cars need parts for this to become reliable and Import needs to be pushed up a step from the rest because Import is completely and utterly useless to get your mod level up on.

Simple fact is for the bottom two there are a few cars that can compete but its not too much, if every car had parts its very possible that the bottom two types of cars can compete head to head but Import still would not be able to.

Cars are the most important piece to a racing game and we want them all to be able to be used and competitive so in my opinion this needs to be done to not only make WWI competitive but make Import, European, and Domestic all usable for the entirety of a full 30 day round.

  Offline Races
Posted by: Kiro - 03-03-2015, 11:50 AM - Forum: Game Idea's and Suggestions - No Replies

I really think offline races need to be toned down to 15 credits a race. I really do not understand the point of them being 25 credits, I know you said Cres that you wanted to encourage online racing but there is a massive difference in "online racing" and having your girlfriend/wife or a friend racing you, not everyone has these luxuries and this should not be a game advantage.

15 Credit Offline Races would make it so anyone with a membership can still compete within reason vs people who do have these luxuries instead of not even being able to race the same amount of times as someone who does have somebody who will get on MC and race them at all times.

I seriously think this needs to be changed as part of trying to balance MC otherwise it will turn into a proxy dupe fest when the Live Round's start.

  Skill Levels
Posted by: Kiro - 03-02-2015, 06:27 PM - Forum: Bugs and Support - Replies (6)

I thought Levels were suppose to make you faster but when racing Cartman with the same car he is in he is beating me by land slides even as much as a full second at times.

I am unsure what exactly skill level does?

Posted by: Kiro - 02-24-2015, 10:31 PM - Forum: Bugs and Support - Replies (1)

It appears certain upgrades are not taking money from you to upgrade such as Port and Polish and Nos upgrades. This does not seem normal.

Another thing I noticed is that when you spam upgrade button sometimes it puts the upgrade past the level you can actually upgrade it to.

  Networth Cap for Home Invasions and Carjacking
Posted by: Kiro - 02-24-2015, 08:15 PM - Forum: Game Idea's and Suggestions - Replies (2)

I don't necessarily mind these two features and while I feel they could be made a little harder or perhaps more old school if people see a problem with it, I feel that a Networth Cap is necessary.

What I mean by this is that you would have to be over the Networth Cap to be able to be home invaded, so lets say like 100k networth, that is not that hard to get and if you play the game itself which you will have to to be able to compete you will be over that in the first like 3 days.

This is to stop players from getting home invaded and not being able to buy a car or even play the game, and it also stops players from being car jacked non stop to the point they end up with 500 dollars and no car and nothing to do except cruise for one model per 10 credits which should not be something people have to do.

  Car Swapping
Posted by: Kiro - 02-24-2015, 02:31 PM - Forum: Bugs and Support - Replies (1)

This did not work last session but it does now, you can swap a car after sending a race and the car image will stick on that race but it will show the time of the car you are in now.

  Update: 02-24-2015
Posted by: C-speed - 02-24-2015, 01:59 PM - Forum: General Game Discussion - Replies (4)

The following updates have been made:

1) A positive RAD now has a positive impact when you work. Conversely, a negative RAD will have a negative impact when you work.

2) Racing risk bug has been fixed

3) Car insurance is fixed.

  theres alot of cars missing?
Posted by: svtfox91 - 02-23-2015, 09:51 AM - Forum: General Game Discussion - Replies (1)

I understand the whole beta stuff for testing bugs and new idea's but theres a lot of cars missing like the Honda del-sol with every one pretty much uses to race and lvl up for a while idk if yous put it for members or where it went but now im lost on what to use to race with and lvl up

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