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QM Sucking Real Bad

Well I was in QM for 1.5 hours, I checked and there were several people in my range, and within thet time i got 1 race...
Thats jsut not good enough especially when im trying to get CMs.
I think that if you really want people to stop usin macros and stuff, then you should at least be able to attract them away from cheating with a decent QM or they aint gonna wanna stop cheating coz QM SUCKS.
MC Name:

I would also like to add...
That I keep it on QM offline and when i was offlien i never even got a race rofl...
Needs sorted man.
MC Name:

Yeah, the past few days Ive put it on when Im sleeping with plenty of ppl in range and wake up to 0 fuckin races.
Who needs friends or skill when you have a fat wallet?

ive allready proposed a sollution to this.


In the words of the late panda


Ask me in game for help

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