
Poll: Is helping a friend cheating?
Yes, rules are rules no exceptions!
No, if you're just racing, working or changing crew car I think it's fine.
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Defining Cheating?

Ataxic Wrote:Stupidest thing i ever heard Tongue ... I use my home computer, the one in my lab at uni, and my laptop on the uni wireless ... all with different IPs... :confused:
Well dur thts easy. itl only catch you out if its an ip address tht has loged into anther MC account.
:yahoo:NZ__EVO.. Im In Love With A Stripper.....

proxie account's??

take it back to the old school

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He_Hate_Me Wrote:I already brought this up a long time ago, and said that crew leader should be able to tune the crew car as well as enter and exit crew battles. It just makes sense.

However changing the credit intervals is not a good idea. The WHOLE point is that YOU HAVE to get on to work if you want the money, not a friend of yours or so on.

That being said, of course it is cheating when someone gets on your account. If you dont have the time to be on here all day, you sure as hell shouldnt get the benefits of being on all day, whether that be working, racing, HIing or etc. If its not you doing it, its cheating.

I honestly wish this were enforced more, especially in top crews. Its part of the reason I stopped racing, why compete against people who can "hop on friends accounts" to take the lead,or to race, or to HI, or whatever the fuck you do.

Put a stop to this.

I'm fine with that too, as long as they take the advantage away from the unemployed and even it out...

yea its cald being broke an unable to buy a membership or credits

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MC_Alumni Wrote:if it took 8 hours to get 2k creds i quit...sorry.

you mean like it was only a few months ago before they doubled the credit gain?

i think its asking for this stuff to happen by having the credits max out in 4 hours. stuffed if i'm getting up in the middle of the night to use some credits

the ip thing would be near impossible to police
what if 2 people that live in the same house both play? or you go round to a mates house who also plays and work a few credits

ok simple ... cheating is not ok ..

but if you racing/in top crew... you dont work or race thoes credits .. your f**k and fall behind ...

everyone knows it happens ..

ive done it before, everyone has ...
One Of Midnites Forum Mod Team......Black__Metal ™©

i like ricks idea the best
it will bring more people to race and go for top crew if tey know they have more credits after work schol ect

i also think thhat if you are cought on ones account yur rating suld go down 50%

if your top crew and cheat you go to 50% for a month if yuor stupid enoug to cheat and understand the risk your taking then fuck you,if you can sure as hell cheat you can sure as hell spend
mecca :postwhore:

mecca_boy Wrote:thats cool if i suck
i dont gotta spend 1000 a round t get aicon id rather keep my money knowing it will maount too sometihng in the world than hhave some icons on a online game

Hopefully resulting in an education so you can actually spell!

Back on topic girls ...

I think Ricks idea is an awesome one! Would level the playing field in terms of people who can't access this while they're at work!

Ataxic Wrote:Back on topic girls ...


define cheating: anyone that goes onto any other account besides their originial account wheather it being someone elses or a multi. i did not read this entire thread but im seeing somethings about top crews and credits maxing out... thats part of the game if you can not be on to work your account i dont see where that is someonelses responsibility to do it for you. When you enter a top crew you know the dedication it takes to keep the crew up top. If you can not dedicate that time then simply do not enter the crew.I personally will prolly never run for top crew again nor participate in one only because very few in this game do run their own accounts. I know of top crews that one person has ran the entire crew at least 50% of the time and ive also seen where someone from a top crew logs into someone elses account and home invades someone else just so they do not have to use their own credits to do this. As for ip scans anyone who is on dial up Ip will change every single time they log in so this is not an efficent way to control the game.YES some people still have dial up LOL. IN my case i once had 3 people on this game in the same household on 3 diffrent computers In this case i think in the registration there should be a place where it asks if any other members in the house hold play the game and it should state the names of those players.

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