08-01-2008, 05:33 AM
R_Y_A_N Wrote:Ok there is truth, and there is exageration. 60 hit with 1k credits, come on now Kevin, isnt that guestimation a little over the top ?
Actully,i got 50 hits on Skitch within 2 hours with about 1k creds maybe less,and then also about 1 hour later hit him again with another 250 creds and got 20 or so hits.
The simple thing is HI is really too easy what ever the level.I have dont what 80 or more hits this period in 1 day without trying.You know what ill re-phrase that every hit i have had this period has been 5/0.I have not used any other combo than 5/0.I haven't even spammed 5/0 yet i can get the biggest hit of the period so far using 5/0.
Everyone who want to HI usually Burns there nw and thats what I did.I dropped to 2 mill. hit Skitch once and got 273 mill.People think nice hit that gets you in to top 25 or something then they see my nw back at 2 mill.wtf? i hit 5/0 again and get a hit close to that.In 2 hours of HI'ing Skitch i got him for about 500 mill to about 5 mill.Winterfell and Im_a_n00b did it to him also.
HI'ing is easy,and people get multi's so they can carry on the fun of it so that they don't have to wait for there 1k creds to refill or 2k or w/e.
Also,people who are racing there asses off to get top crew and spend or don't spend to get to a high nw to get a level.Last period Bryce jumped to 150 billion in 5 mins to get the next level and people were just spamming him left,right and center.There is nothing you can do about it.
It is part if the game HI'ing but it was never easy to get 50 hits with 1k creds using 5/0.
With Multi's,maybe refresh the game? If there are people who don't mind loosing Medal's then delete every account.Make everyone re-register and when they click Register there is program or w/e that will trace there IP to that account.So if that person try to create another Multi using that IP,they can't and they get there IP and info or w/e sent to Ray and the guys who then delete or suspend the 1st account created by that IP.Also everyone restarting will make it a competition to build medal's up again.
If people want to keep there Medal's then they have to screenshot what medals they have and send to Ray etc. and get them added.
Some bad idea there probably but a some up of how easy HI'ing is and how many Multi's are used.
My bad "Opinion".
![[Image: 53369.png]](http://www.midnitechallenge.com/tag/53369.png)
I am teh Fail Frcg