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Dear Raymond

admin Wrote:We're all ears... What are some possible "non-intrusive" solutions to the macro/bot issue? Currently, everything is focusing on the image verification. There's are ways around even the most sophisticated ones.


there are a few quick and easy ways

A) remove the garage limit and the nontuned cars limit so that the higher level people can pink them for their cars like i have done many of times...
B) make AP do what it used to do so that AP is actually better than being on a bot/macro bc on AP u sit on race mode for 1 min as compared to the whole time on race/home mode. Meaning more difficult for HI'ers to rape the stuffings out of a player

And as for the getting around them part that is why there is the User rating implication system that i proposed as well if u change screens w/out clicking the button then that is counted as one missed click and your missclicks will be reset 4times a day or 2 times a day whichever seems more pluasible. Ive seen this work in many other online games (granted not racing) and u have 50 tries to get it right then bam ur account gets jailed.

admin Wrote:We're all ears... What are some possible "non-intrusive" solutions to the macro/bot issue? Currently, everything is focusing on the image verification. There's are ways around even the most sophisticated ones.


I /we appreciate ya.... I know theres a workable way around this isssue for everyone. I'm glad you are listening, thank you for that. Theres GOT to be a better way than negative reinforcement, that basically never works.

Mike Milliken
Milf Pleaser

I say limit on the hours online everyday but u can have ap but get like just a little bit more the exp your soppsoed to get
mecca :postwhore:

Hmm all valid points put out there. Lets just say that the game will never be as good as rev.1 As far as i knew when i played back then no one was cheating. Everything was well balanced. HI'S were hard. CJ's was the best. And Sleepers!. Sleepers gave the newbies and advantage against the high net guys. Atleast it did for me. Thats the only reason i never got any medals for as long as i played. I just loved to CJ and Race for Pinks/cash. One session on Rev 1 would be the greatest i think. All i can say is i never thought of cheating back then and still dont to this day. i understand the game needed changes and all that jazz but with every positive you get a negative. And in this case we got a lot! Autoplay wasnt even heard of back then. Racing people within you "range" wasnt even heard of except their PR bar. All im saying is give the less fortunate an edge to get to the top or top players like CJ's were, and Being able to be a sleeper will bring back much more competition. Cause with the system toda, All one has to do is know how to work and spend 50 bucks or more in the start. Get a big net advantage and watch the exp pour in. then its a matter of lvling up and keeping your net high.
[Image: 513289163_l.jpg]

Lets just say that the game will never be as good as rev.1 As far as i knew when i played back then no one was cheating. Everything was well balanced. HI'S were hard. CJ's was the best. And Sleepers!. Sleepers gave the newbies and advantage against the high net guys. Atleast it did for me. Thats the only reason i never got any medals for as long as i played. I just loved to CJ and Race for Pinks/cash. One session on Rev 1 would be the greatest i think.

Agree, sleepers were the SHIT!
Milf Pleaser

mecca as stated already we need not retarded ideas, limits mean nothing and do nothing for the good of this game, please keep that nonsence in a separate ideas thread.

itsalg33, this isnt a how u wish the game was rant thread, go and talk ur nonsence in another thread as what u said plays near no relation to anything happening here or has no relevance to helping us solve the actualy problem at hand.

removing the garage limit and tuning limit stated by krazy is a great idea, But this doesnt reduce macro use it just catches those who do it, and once again the "negative reinforcement" comes back into play.

Not to mention i and others had a macro which declined every body and Sent to another account which also declined everybody and accepted me. so its not fullproof like the many ideas.

the whole random number generator will stop macro use but only for a limited time. the only way to beat the macro is as mentioned, make ap get cms and any one who macros simply doesnt get the icon or prize and the next legitiment player in line does.

this well discurage cheaters or mean there macro use is virtually obsolete, stoping macros is impossible, its about working ways to make them redundant.

The following changes have been made to the game in version 1.3d:
1) you can now race other players on the street as well as on the track
2) you can get caught by the police if you race on the street and fined
3) experience, sponsorship rating and crew models are gained only when racing at the track
4) you can place bets and pink slip race at street races only
5) you can earn crew Bank Roll from street racing
6) you can only challenge a Crew Battle for the same crew once per 24hour interval
7) experience levels lowered
8) minor game tweeks

Crescent, do you guys have this archived ? Thats the REV 1 everyone liked...
Milf Pleaser

rom3o™ Wrote:mecca as stated already we need not retarded ideas, limits mean nothing and do nothing for the good of this game, please keep that nonsence in a separate ideas thread.

itsalg33, this isnt a how u wish the game was rant thread, go and talk ur nonsence in another thread as what u said plays near no relation to anything happening here or has no relevance to helping us solve the actualy problem at hand.

removing the garage limit and tuning limit stated by krazy is a great idea, But this doesnt reduce macro use it just catches those who do it, and once again the "negative reinforcement" comes back into play.

Not to mention i and others had a macro which declined every body and Sent to another account which also declined everybody and accepted me. so its not fullproof like the many ideas.

the whole random number generator will stop macro use but only for a limited time. the only way to beat the macro is as mentioned, make ap get cms and any one who macros simply doesnt get the icon or prize and the next legitiment player in line does.

this well discurage cheaters or mean there macro use is virtually obsolete, stoping macros is impossible, its about working ways to make them redundant.

if oyu put a limit on the number of hours u can and cannot be on a day it stop the marcos whats the point of marcoing if everyone can get the same xp as same level least then IDE will mean something top crew ill mean somethink ect.
mecca :postwhore:

Kyle, your a true dumbass.

That is all :]

Think about it nubnub, if you put a time limit on how long you can be online a day, what the fuck is the point for those who actually race legitly? I am at my computer 10-15 hours a day some days, think.. If I wanted to race that much every day legitly, why would Raymond//Cresent put a capacity on that? It'd be truely unfair for people.

Shouldn't you be out dealing drugs or something? -.-"

mecca_boy Wrote:if oyu put a limit on the number of hours u can and cannot be on a day it stop the marcos whats the point of marcoing if everyone can get the same xp as same level least then IDE will mean something top crew ill mean somethink ect.


Raymond/Crescent will never go for that... They like the maximum amount of players ONLINE for reasons I don't need to get into here. Suffice it to say, that its in their best interest (ours too) to have REAL people (not macro's) online playing. They will NEVER limit the amount of time online.

Theres no need to explain why or go into details that don't concern us players. This is a business, even though it may be a "Labor of Love", you can bet that these 2 gentleman don't do this for their health. Limiting time online is not an option.
Milf Pleaser

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