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NSX Next Round

Alright guys time to get serious :lol: who is on my crew for next round and racing hard i need 9 guys racing hard who is with me.

i want to
im joining 51_FIFTY next session lol
The Taxman
#1 n00b

i'll be there for as long as i can..

count me in...always down to help nsx

man there is a definite lack of interest so far i'm starting to wonder if there is any point

if not u got a spot on my crew bro...u can bring someone else too

just think it over

The Taxman
#1 n00b

OuTkAsT_2 Wrote:man there is a definite lack of interest so far i'm starting to wonder if there is any point
and these forums are how active? :oops:

chuck me in there cuz, ill stay aslong as i can
Mecca_boy your my inspiration *booya*

even in my current crew they are all kinda like yeah i guess i'll play

well that is except for me...u kno ill race and ill race hard...

i just think everyone else is scared because kevin is running...prolly why people are being half hearted...

we need to try and bring back some vets to help us out...that will be down for spanking these new guys

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