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Grass Roots IDE

Top Grass Roots Racer (limited to non-members only)

It says it is limited to non-members only, I am a member and I just entered it and took the #1 spot...

yea a few have done the same ... unless your membership ran out ?

ya that is mess up they need to fix that. i did have first Smile

my membership didnt run out

modogg85 Wrote:my membership didnt run out

Did so.. dont lie.. j/p
Really Tho.. This Thing Your Reading Is Just My Sig..

well i hate to bring this up but he fucked up

imports is the nonmembers one it appears bc us members can't enter it

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  Top Grass Roots Racer (limited to non-members only) M_E_C_C_A_ 2 1,280 03-12-2007, 05:36 AM
Last Post: TheAirMan

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