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why wont my damn RAD go above 8??
I accept EVERY race and it never goes up wtf?!?!?!?!

cmon man someone tell me something here. Ive lots like 30 mil today because people are stealing from me and I cant even steal back cause my rad usually stays between 0-8 no matter how many races I accept. Between this and it screwing up last night ive lost like 40 mil and this is only my second session to figure this shiz out.

for it to go up juss dont decline and accpt every race and also dont ignore a challenge

dude i swear to you i spend about 5 houtrs on this game a day and I have maybe declined 5 races this session just because im tuning, I dont EVER decline while im playing and my rad is always uber low :-(

Did you try refreshing your page to see if that makes a difference.

I had a similar problem althought mine was the opposite i would decline alotta races, but my RAD stayed at 3 for ages then suddenly dropped

9/13 6:32pm BlueOval HI $5,753,147 [View]


dang man, you're so cool. Let's be friends.
"I love it here!
So many things and so many things of each thing."

hhahahahhaha....thats funny...i dont get y ur rad is so important man Cool

Quote:dude i swear to you i spend about 5 houtrs on this game a day and I have maybe declined 5 races this session just because im tuning, I dont EVER decline while im playing and my rad is always uber low :-(

not to get on you or anything but i know youve declined me atleast 5 times this session. but just dont decline races and your rad will go up thats all there is to it. and i dont think its as important as they make t seem u can still steal and everything with a low rad i did it last session u just have to know what your doing
online name: GoT_FrEe_WinS... race me offline for free models and wins

YoYoYo. Rad hasn't got a damned thing to do with HI or anything else, It used to be "Per 1 RAD = Equivilent 1 IM" when working, but I am sure that stoped about 3 rounds ago.

Word Life. CK.

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