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The only people that new my pass was dyna noobie DRFT_______PiNOY EXP-Wraith and i think thats and somhow romeo found out my password and spinner did too
mecca :postwhore:
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Guild wars is what I play at the moment (and r.o.s.e offcourse)
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fact of the matter is, his nw was stolen and there was no consequences. the whole "now he knows better" line is just a bunch of bs. i don't care if you guys don't like mecca or think he's a noob, the facts are there. yes he shouldn't let his pw out to ppl, but the fact is that his nw was taken without his permission. it's not like the people he gave his pw took it. it was somebody outside his group of friends. and even if it was one of them that gave it to spinner, they weren't given his consent to give it away freely. just cause he gave his pw away, it doesn't = "here do whatever you want with my account"(unless he honestly said that). what happened is straight up wrong any way you look at it.
spinner is a cheater and everyone has known this for a long time. nothing has been done about it. you guys can't seriously tell me that he isn't, or that there is no proof. if i can be banned for just playing more than 1 account without using it to benefit anyone, i'm sure they got dirt on spinner. my question is why do they allow him to stick around if the obvious is presenting itself right in their face. somebody besides mecca must've jumped on that account. and i'm sure that his wasn't the only one that they got into either.
i don't mean to be harsh, but seems like a little hypocricy is goin on in the admin department. ray says he wants to run a clean game. i think cracking down on the big cheaters is the direction he should be headed in. just deleting a bunch of multi accounts isn't gonna scare anyone off. taking out somebody like spinner who's known for doing that will make a real statement. but for some reason i don't see that happening anytime soon.
if can, can... if no can, still can... if still no can, then no can
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Okay Nate, I resepct everything you're saying, but I would like to say something without stirring things up here.
Mecca said he gave his account to 4 people that he knows of, and now he knows not to give it to anyone. So it is part his fault. And you're absolutely correct about them taking it without his permission, which in sense is a form a cheating in my eyes. Now Mecca has learned his lesson, but in fact he should get his money back by all means.
Raymond and/or Crescent should know where the money went, and remove it from the account(s) and/or ban the accounts. If you got banned for going on soemoen elses account Nate, than Corrupt Interactive should do something to the guys who went on Mecca's account.
Mecca, you are a young kid, and you will always make mistakes. Learn from them and move on. This game is a business, and Corrupt Interactive cannot be held responsible for your own mistakes... :crazy:
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Nate i understand where you are coming from but from the get go the game admins have done the same thing for everyone.
If you give away your pw and you lose nw it is your loss its the way it has always been and im sure will continue, because its not the game admins fault he gave away the information.
I actually like mecca hes a little messed up in the head but I look at it if it happened to me when others had my pw its my fault.
On the cheaters they delete several of them daily. Spinner is allegedly as well as others that have been temp suspended this round. Next round it will be black and white no grey area only you are allowed on your account. They are working on cleaning it up just isnt gonna be over night
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speedkillz your a fukn loser go cry somewhere else..and wheres your proof of me cheating faggot? ya i go on my friends accounts now and then but so does everyone...stop runnin your mouth cuz u dont know [censored]..i have nothn to do with meccas account ..i challenged him for a race, he accepted, i won, end of story i was never in that fags account or knew his password...
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Quote:ya i go on my friends accounts now and then
Well it is currently against the rules to do that, so you have just admitted to cheating and I better see you banned from MidniteChallenge for cheating. Thanks for Admitting that you're cheating.

Oh By The Way. You finished with the biggest hit in Boost...and it just happened to be against me.. :p Congrats.
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ROLF. He proably figgured out how to hit you from his "friends account".lol.
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Last round was my last round on MC..Spinner was going on several accounts to drop me. I was going for second, and didn't make it, bu oh well. Nothing was done then, so I don't think anything will happen anytime soon..
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But last round, the rules where,"as long as you are not using another account to your own advantage", and unless they where multi's, nothing can be done about that.