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Mofo top 25

lol, what is the defenition of legit? or even better what would a not legit account log-in be?
midnite is spelled wrong.

actual people that play the game not multis or friends accounts that u "take care of" Wink
First there was two sets of footprints in the sand Then there was one set of footprints in the sand When times get hard and shit hits the fan God don't walk with me, he carry me man

oooh ok, but that cant be done anymore :/
midnite is spelled wrong.

unfortunately no part of there getting rid of the multis and cheaters idea i guess
First there was two sets of footprints in the sand Then there was one set of footprints in the sand When times get hard and shit hits the fan God don't walk with me, he carry me man

i can see how people would disagree with it if people were able to get on all they're crew mates accounts while they were gone or whatever.
midnite is spelled wrong.

well due to our lack of spenders we couldn't afford to waste creds, so we had a couple guys from different time zones take care of all the accounts when they could it was our only real chance
First there was two sets of footprints in the sand Then there was one set of footprints in the sand When times get hard and shit hits the fan God don't walk with me, he carry me man

yeah, you guys had a shitload of wins though
midnite is spelled wrong.

the joys of a day and night shift slicknsxy took care of the days and aisenal took care of the nights
First there was two sets of footprints in the sand Then there was one set of footprints in the sand When times get hard and shit hits the fan God don't walk with me, he carry me man

day shift and nite shift as we would call it..haha who needs spenders when u can work as a team..but as from next round it will be hard to find members to get to there accounts to work when need be...

man i wounder whos gonna help this guy out with top 25...? back on topic for a post

who the hell did you guys race all day lol
midnite is spelled wrong.

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