06-27-2005, 05:03 PM
oh it will never stop man but taking down the limit would decrease the amount which would make better i think also same as nate. but truely i would love it if they made multis and macros legit. it would stop all the whining about people cheating. and it could make the game more fair in a way cause if more people multied cause it was legit and they wouldn't get in trouble maybe they would do it giving every one more of a fair chance. it really depends on how u look at it theres positives and negatives for both sides. but i just think if he made it legit then it would stop all the crying about people doing it. and nate yea u can load up ur multis with nw but u still most likely gonna be hit down and lol u should no that lol. so thats really no use unless u use them at the last few mins which i no of people do to get top 25. so its alot to think about
"mc's worst hitter of all time"