07-10-2009, 08:51 AM
ILUV2EXLR8 Wrote:You seem to be awfully opinionated about a game you just recently started playing again 2 sessions ago. as for me playing? im on every day sry i have this thing called life something apparently you dont have.2 kids a husband a farm and at the end of the day im tired.maybe you should try it tyler.And i played beta from day 1 yes i am one of the ones who under stood. so if you understood how the crews actually worked why dont you explain it.i'm bettin you only know part of it. If any at all,Ya know i actually used to like you but since you come back you have really turned into a complete asshole.try actually talkin to someone with out the attack attitude. cuzz that shit dont work with me I'm not one of the 18 yr olds i'm grown you have something to say to me try in a decent manor.
wasn't attackin you, but you are running around griping about the crews when there is nothing wrong with brining back cm's...also everthing i see you post is a gripe or something negative 90% of the time lol...Also dont get so defensive, didn't realize we were all the sudden compareing real lives...funny how someone that feels threatened in this game always goes back to how busy there real life is lol...i like ya just fine, if you dont like me thats fine i wont lose sleep over it...and just because i didn't agree with you on how crews went doesn't mean i have "turned into a complete asshole" just goes to show you how simple minded you are when you dont get your way