05-09-2009, 07:26 PM
ILUV2EXLR8 Wrote:the game had not been over when i posted this thread. And as i said before i did not put any names nor accounts in it and if for some reason you feel guilty well then u did something wrong... i also did not say he ran his entire crew therefore u are gettin all hot and bothered for no reason what so ever
ILUV2EXLR8 Wrote:The rules state no multi account usuage yet when filthy was ban 3 other members were ban also that shows that he was clearly running other accounts so whats up with these rules?
My accounts was banned so yes i think when u mentioned that you bring me into this. And it wasnt banned for people going on it. And i havnt done anything wrong.
allanns Wrote:lol i saw those multis join your crew n work LOL ... his reason was giving noob a chance bullshit ...And thats where your wrong. Me and filthy both sent invite to ANY1 online who wasnt in a crew when we needed to build our crew car When we had 4 members. And we would have to boot to keep our crew average up for crew wins. If they where our multi's why would we be getting messaged bck from people saying they didnt want to join???
:yahoo:NZ__EVO.. Im In Love With A Stripper.....