05-08-2009, 12:56 AM
One thing that I think absolutely needs to be said is this
The whole spam aspect of the game needs to be dealt with. almost everywhere you turn spamming is the way to go. whether it be HI, boost, racing, or working everyone spams it. i think we can all agree there is a better way to race than spam racing 12k wins + losses every round just for 6k cms. there should be a variety of different kinds of racing. there should be drag racing, street racing, QM, event racing, and maybe even some more but each type of racing should have certain pros and certain cons. maybe still leave in the ability to spam people if they are offline in a car but the exp given should be dramatically lower than every other type of racing. drag racing in a drag car would give good exp street racing in a street car would also give good exp but if you drag raced someone who was in a street car they wouldnt get as much. of course if this idea were taken seriously we could all expand on it later. im kinda losing my thought so ill stop here
The whole spam aspect of the game needs to be dealt with. almost everywhere you turn spamming is the way to go. whether it be HI, boost, racing, or working everyone spams it. i think we can all agree there is a better way to race than spam racing 12k wins + losses every round just for 6k cms. there should be a variety of different kinds of racing. there should be drag racing, street racing, QM, event racing, and maybe even some more but each type of racing should have certain pros and certain cons. maybe still leave in the ability to spam people if they are offline in a car but the exp given should be dramatically lower than every other type of racing. drag racing in a drag car would give good exp street racing in a street car would also give good exp but if you drag raced someone who was in a street car they wouldnt get as much. of course if this idea were taken seriously we could all expand on it later. im kinda losing my thought so ill stop here