09-06-2008, 02:30 PM
mecca_boy Wrote:why you guys always bash hitting why not bash racing
i was racing for the first bit of the season but with all the top guys who spam you like 15 times a hour and put your ratio in a .30 potion what the fuck can you but hit so dont bitch at us hitter most of the people i hit raced me over and over
9/5 12:24pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $33,664,253 [View]
9/5 12:24pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $39,404,187 [View]
9/5 12:24pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $42,633,385 [View]
9/5 12:24pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $36,420,736 [View]
9/5 12:24pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $6,199,509 [View]
9/5 12:24pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $6,434,581 [View]
9/5 12:23pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $22,975,357 [View]
9/5 12:23pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $28,541,432 [View]
9/5 12:23pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $27,316,280 [View]
9/5 12:23pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $26,151,464 [View]
9/5 12:23pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $25,041,564 [View]
9/5 12:23pm LuBoMirVisnovsky HI $23,983,752 [View]
he fucked up my ratio so i fucked him up when he high networth
you just cant go racing people over and over and dont expect them to get revenge on you so stop fucking bitching this is a forum
edit: also those are not 5/0 hits they are boring as fuck
last round when i raced i had a ratio of .19 when i started had it up to .95 in a span of 1 day...its not hard kyle and u know this...All you have to do is try. So many people don't tune their cars.
So don't bitch at the RAcers and i wasn't bitching at the Hi'ers...i was barking at the system in which allows HI's of under 10 credits... at the span of 5-10 per minute...It is annoying to racers and it is TOO MUCH of a NW CONTROL...meaning there is no reason to go for ide becuase it will cost you 3-400$ to win a minimal prize. The only plausible solution to not changing the HI's is increasing the prize for IDE to at least 100-200$ in credits.