02-01-2013, 06:56 PM
cjw21 Wrote:the people cheating every single month and taking all the prizes, have been account sharing, using multies, and manipulating the hi insurance to hi each 3 way and gain billions and billions.
these guys are using there prize credits that they cheated for in the first place to hi each to take top 3. something needs to be done about this now.
they obviously have no respect for the game or its ownership or the futherment or betterment thereof; they
do NOT deserve credits or icons if they are cheating to get them, in fact they deserve to be served some kinda penalty
for this behavior.
ive been cheated out of my hard earned money in the past by "paid accounts" dandanger/julie<----this was admitted to, multiple usage of bugs, multies, and ETC.
i tell u now this is one of the main reasons people either dont stick around to play, or they refuse to spend. i find this
highly unfair , please do something about this pleease.
right now the way things stand i just want my money back and im not gonna play anymore.
Hello All! great to be back at mc. Some things just never change...bugs bugs bugs....apparently some cheaters.....ooops I mean racers managed to figure out a way to manipulate the Hi Insurance again....first two racers hing each other then after that was addressed by cancellation of the insurance payout they managed to get three racers to hi one another ie A hi B, B hi C and C hi A to get around the cancellation. Now actual racers who spent their hard-earned money and time racing proper get screwed by people spending 6 bucks and balance of winning credits.
Whose fault is that? Come-on admin please please please do not put-off the new and old racers. MC need all their support. We all love the game. I miss waking -up in the morning (on these parts of the world anyway) on the last day to work/race/hi for the win.