02-08-2008, 11:32 PM
You seriously do not think I can run a top crew? You have absolutely no idea. I used to be one of the hardest damn racers in this game, back about a year ago..If I seriously wanted too, I could race harder than you've ever seen done before. You know nothing.. You weren't around the days when sony2, takumi, and a few others, who were actual competition. Right now, you have nothing. Your going against a few decent racers, and a few spenders..I would love to see you battle an old crew like, p00ntang_klan, NSX, or KK..Even racing KiroDiesel's crew, you would get your ass handed too you. Now that's sad shit..
I could run a crew, and have some good friends backing me up. I just have never tried it, its too much bullshit drama. Your the exact reason I don't try to run a top crew, because sometime or another, you'll always be up against some idiot noob who thinks they are dominant because they can open their wallet a few more inches than some.
your really cool...
I could run a crew, and have some good friends backing me up. I just have never tried it, its too much bullshit drama. Your the exact reason I don't try to run a top crew, because sometime or another, you'll always be up against some idiot noob who thinks they are dominant because they can open their wallet a few more inches than some.
your really cool...