10-08-2007, 03:45 AM
eXpLoSiVe Wrote:monteman Wrote:http://www.midnitechallenge.com/images/w...s-0106.jpg
Oh how I remember that session, msZura was frustrating everyone to no end lol.
1. she hacked hardcore
2. she totaly fukd the game but had widow n plenty others to cover for her
3. because i had a non mc related argument with her when we were good mates she framed me and got my top crew disbanded when for ONCE i played an entire session legit.
4. she screwed dragon76 out of his first win and wasted the money and time spent to earn that.
5. she continued the session after, and finaly ray repremanded her and she moved onto rose.
that was by far the most totaly piece of shit session ever, and even with dannys crew comingout of no where which could have won, wraaith won TKO and pranced around like a little fagget like he owned every one.