08-22-2007, 06:03 AM
015202194232 Wrote:TheJMan Wrote:rom3o⢠Wrote:but 0 to 4700 in a 1 second refresh, can u explain that?
he can hit the cruz buttn really REALLY fast lol
urr... try going on a mac and using safari browser you _______ nub...
when you use safari, everyone's a good spammer d1ck.
it doesnt refresh every time you press cruise, you can press it 1000x w/out refreshing, and it will count every single time.
omfg, think of every damn variable before you say something... wtf this is getting retarded.
plus the fact that i talked to ray. i had the bugged car in my garage, but never used it. he checked logs, i believe, and my story checked out.
so before you n00b out. please make it so i can't say anything about it.
what honest relevance does your post have to the point of this thread..
im not knowledgeable on the game, nor what happened last session, but it seems fairly evident that ur full of shit. especially when i look at the people opposing ur side of the story.
if ur deserving, u know it.. ull keep ur shit, and then everyone else knows it and has no opportunity to rag on u for anything.
if ur not, u know it.. u'll lose ur shit, why bother aggrevating others whichll cause u pointless drama, when u can sook in silence and maybe learn somethin.