04-28-2007, 02:30 AM
skogey10 Wrote:I don't care how many icons you have squirmed your way into to be honest. Jealous? Say you aren't, but it couldn't be more clear that you are. As for complaining I really don't know how else to take a facetious comment such as "grats on your WIN though", seems like a backhanded congrats/complaint to me and everyone else that reads it. I also never said once that I worked hard, because all I did was what I usually do, play a bit and log on a couple times to work. Crew races? Of course it wasn't as close there Einstein, the other crew that was going against us was burned by someone, and I have no idea who it was. It's like a drag race, how else could there be competition with only one racing because the other broke down? What we really don't need in here is some other lame dick pulling all the wind out of everyone's sails, and that is exactly what you're doing. I'm not mad at the truth, I just stated it exactly like it is. As for the truth though, I know for a fact I could rape you like a little b**** and then slap your ass and send you and your whole crew packing and crying "skogey raped us all and i cant keep a car for longer than a minute or get above 10 bil" You know it and so does everyone else that plays, so just keep in mind... don't get mad at the truth, because I'm not.
check betweeen your legs.... is it bleeding? gosh but im glad its settled, yay popcorn and pads for EVERYONE. im tired so shut up
![[Image: Midori_Fairy_by_buttonnose.jpg]](http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs12/300W/i/2006/294/b/3/Midori_Fairy_by_buttonnose.jpg)