01-30-2007, 05:18 PM
so i was wondering who was running for top crew next session and if i could possibly get a spot in there, i know this is asking alot, but i am a good racer and i dont lose cms unless its the start of the session. if i cant get a spot in whoever will be making top crew next session can you guys let me know what i have to do to get a spot in a top crew? my in-game name is, stock_honda and im in STeiNLaGeR__'s crew right now but my skill level is currently 29, and i have a .94 ratio, and my net and skill is low this session because about 3 days ago, my acount was hacked the name was, s_p_h_i_n_x_ and it was at 16 bil networth and level 38 with a .85 ratio so can you guys let me know about this whole situation please.