03-23-2006, 08:22 AM
THE_ONE Wrote:ok i will type slower for you, and rhs so you can read at your own pace :wink:
for you to have the best IDE times, your R/T doesn't need to be the fastest r/t, your r/t has to be in a certain range, and from what i can tell you got under that range, i know what you are going to say and it is a game, it is the way it is for now, so instead of griping about it try to get it in that range
racerchick got in that range and that is why she is infront of you
is that better?
It has nothing to do with reading it at my own pace...that just doesn;t make sense. There is no rule I have ever read anywhere about a R/T being in a "certain range"...that's just ridiculous.
That being said, my final MPH was faster, therefore I am the faster between the two of us...and accordingly I should still have the top spot.
Ya dig?
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