03-13-2006, 06:09 PM
THE_ONE Wrote:but yet again this is all old news
panda why are you even talking about this, you know why you got banned its not like you were totally innocent lmao
romeo, you did get the short end, but we will try again next session, and btp was catching you to be totally honest
and i think the no competition thing has been hit on already there really isnt' enough "good" racer left to put together two competitive crew that is just my opinion
Tru that Tyler ^^
Romeo, your crew was a bit ahead of us, but we were definitely catching up fast given that we didn't even spend that much money (almost none in fact), and Dyna didn't spend much either if I recall correctly, but the time he joined BTP was almost guarenteed to win, so that may be the reason he didn't buy huge amount of credz...
Nevertheless, almost everyone in the crew (btp) had a membership, so most of us could race with 500 credz and work the remaining 1500. Also, someone (who won't be named) lost us close to 1000CMs in three days, and didn't get even half of them back as he had promised, but we had hardcore racers (Yerbs, Takumi, Lonewolf, Remco, Lex, Tyler, etc...) constantly racing to get those CMs back.
Last but not least, btp consistently had over 1400CMs, expect for the sudden disapperance of 600 CMs and the ~1000CM loss. So, Rom3o, we didn't get a win handed to us. Most of us in the crew earned the Top Crew Medal by racing and working well as a group.
And Tyler, I agree with you man, we don't have enuf hardcore racers/spenders to create 2 competative crews, and lots of vets have retired from racing b/c it just takes too much time and effort. I remember racing 4-6+ hrs on a daily basis for BTP, but I can't sacrifice the time or effort anymore.
Just like EzAvm says, "most of the time study," excercise, work, and if there is any extra time, go out to chill wit friends. Seriously, MC can be addictive and a huge time-eater.