03-13-2006, 03:10 PM
rom3o Wrote:Rom3o btp would have whiped any crew that session, we would have been even greater if "mc" didn't make over 300 was it? or 500 cm dissapear out of no where and then have someone that will go unnamed lose over 1000 cm's that crew was the best racing crew i have even been in. + we had spenders if needed + we started late due to paki getting bannedPANDAhumpnMONKEY Wrote:mecca_boy Wrote:MC isnt about racing ever time they is a crew battle now days they get banned or get burned and sjut give up it stupid
aint that the truth? :?
romeo vs. zura vs. btp
rom got banned and disbanned..
zura disbanned..
i step up and go for it..
get banned..
btp.. wins..
why go for top if you dont have people like Dyna? :?
so overated, dyna is a good player but ust beacause hes ina crew doesnt mean that crew wins, wraith i mean this is good faith he was in ur crew and i anihalted ur crew.
panda then made a crew and would have destoryed u after me and he was whiped off.