03-04-2006, 03:16 AM
IllicitDSM Wrote:PANDAhumpnMONKEY Wrote:i watched Saw 2 when i was orly stoned x_x
that was wierd man x_x yessir o____O
i didn't catch Saw 1 though, is it as good as the 2nd one? better? worse? :?
i might go get it today.. gimme a review on it
btw, the games this guy played, zomg.. they are kinda funny, but i'd be scared shitless if they were happening to me :oops:
Saw 2 was better than Saw 1 but to understand Saw 2 you HAVE to watch Saw 1.. Saw 2 explains alot from Saw 1 and Furthers the story a bit.Thats prolly why it was weird to you.Both are good tho.
yeh i rekon ur right u definately gotta see saw 1 b4 u see saw 2
but otherwise i love em both
very kool
although the ending to saw 1 was a bitch
that poofta jus slipped away :evil:
anyway nick see the first 1 as it is awesome and will explain the 2nd to you :wink: