05-14-2005, 06:31 PM
I would like to have the same accumulation rate of credits but a greater amount that we can store, maybe 3000 for members and 2000 for non-memebers. As for cars, I would like to have a ton of cars again like we did the last month of Gold game. I would also like to have the EXP increased dramatically, allowing us to get to levels 25-32 like we used to be able to, simply a matter of changing EXP gained per race. The 3 hour rule before pink slips sucks I think, with the NW's all being so similar now the only thing we can do is stash cars, why not take off the time restraint and also allow us to store 25 cars in our theft/slips garage. No joking replies please, only serious additions or ADMIN response.
BJJ-Purple Belt
Resident Engineer, Geologist, Genius
BJJ-Purple Belt
Resident Engineer, Geologist, Genius