02-14-2006, 08:16 PM
sjgrox2x Wrote:Ehh, well I think that you spend when you want to and have the money to do it, but, I think that you use to spend more and now you have learned more about the game so you dont spend as much. Also, I know that you do buy plenty of credits for other people so you are obviously not as big of a spender as some think. I think you just spend a lot on the game overall and infact you just spend it on other ci games too. O and what I mean By spending a lot of money, i mean at least 100$. But I have heard people tell be that you have spent money on them so it probally ads up that you only spend like 50$ on yourself and liek 50$ on others.
thats so true. hmm u seth danny tiffany and others.lol don't ask why i do it dunno why