12-29-2005, 04:33 PM
Umm ok so i hear people hate me many reasons but the main 1 because i disban alot? well unloyal people and cm losers make me disbban alot and besides my disbanning has nothing to do with anyone who was not in the crew and then some i hear hate me because i kick them from my crew well when you join my crew then elave for someone elses crew then i give you another chance then a better racer who is more loyal wants in of course ima kick out the unloyal to let in the loyal and those are all lame excuses to hate someone i dont care if you hate me i truly dont but a few things need to be said here cause 1.im sick of people asking me why alot hate me theres many reasons and then 2.it just gets annoying people get kicked ut of crews all the time people disban all the time but truly if yall wanna hate me atleast gimem a true reason other then hes dumb or he disbans or hes home invades me come up with a true reason and maybe ill give you the ok thats cool least you have a reason