08-30-2005, 01:19 PM
Quote:What pissed me off was the fact that I don't have a CC, and I needed top 5, but other people had other plans I guess.
Well, I'm sorry that I was going to do anything it took to get Charles a top 5. He most likely would have finished better than 4th, if he would have came on. This Beta testing period Charles and I had talked. He asked if I could help him get top 5 for a free ride to the real game. I told him I would get him top 5, and I did, and if I had top 5 but he didn't I would race him for all my cash and he would get it. I didn't really care much about getting top 5, just an added bonus. But as soon as I could get us both top 5, than the plan was to get one of us 1st and the other 2nd, but that didn't work out all that great.. :p
This free session is just gonna be another testing period for me. I want to figure out the Home Invasions so that I can get to the point and hit off quite a few with my 4k Credits a day.
Quote:working you only make good money till around 600mil
If you do what other do and get 15,000 Import Models or more, and work 1,000 Credits with a good Model Happiness, you WILL make nearly if not more than 1 billion dollars. When you're up there, just sit and wait to be raped, and repeat..or work on your HI's..