08-29-2005, 07:00 AM
bah here I go again. bunneh has to set some technology straight for all the people who dont quite understand it. First of all. You exchange packets constantly with every site you go to. So the thing with packet being sent to CI and your pc is perfectly normal. They send to you and you send to them. That is how things are updated. God i bet you freak out when someone sends you an ICMP packet OHH NOOO someone pinged me. *freaks out* Second whoopty dooo you did a WHOIS lookup. Hate to say it but that is public information and can be otained from anyone. Second people dont leave a calling card on a game like this. Unless you call all your NW gone a calling card. They no longer use cookies as a tracking device. Cookies are used to store such information as your login and pw. This is only accessibe locally. Now you did not get a portscan from CI. Hate to say it but Mcaffee and other production firewalls over react when someone pings you. It was not a port scan. Why would they do that to there customers? If anyone needs clarification please let me know. I will explain it further for you.