08-25-2005, 12:52 AM
You guys can't spell HI "algorythem", rofl, let alone know what works for some people. I get attempts I hit 1:2.1 now, before I was 1:5. You can hammer away with your no attempts all you want, but I'll spam to 2000+ attempts and be on the HI and boost boards for nothing all the time.
You guys use far larger numbers than I do and manage to do well, I would rather spam like a retard and use tiny numbers so that my credits go further. Either way we are both happy with what works for us.
You guys use far larger numbers than I do and manage to do well, I would rather spam like a retard and use tiny numbers so that my credits go further. Either way we are both happy with what works for us.
BJJ-Purple Belt
Resident Engineer, Geologist, Genius
BJJ-Purple Belt
Resident Engineer, Geologist, Genius