07-26-2005, 03:37 AM
Quote:see the thing is look at my history, get ray to check, then you will learn to shut the [censored] up. i was mainly referring to romeo, as he has been caught once, and is still blaintantly cheating, but enjoy yourself, have a laugh, have a cry, and go back to kindy, Grade one was easy, all i had to do is..... your mum,
sorry panda, good post though
im jsut curious on how long this crew will last, i mean [censored] crew leader, romeo and sg-tan "cheaters" i mena goodluck to you
Which part of english u wrote u didnt understand , u Stated Cheaters and STATED MY NAME! WTF u state my name for? Of course i would react as i spent to get my IDE Should i reliatiate by screwing up ur FathEr's ass up to his throat?
Sg-Tan Running