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yes i won top crew get over it
YOU ALL gave it to me when i was not even going for it

seth u talk a bunch of shit u could of simply asked me not to spam u and i would of stopped but dont threaten me lol

teet u r good but stop acting like u r the shit cause u can still be owned

ang im sorry for taking the medal from u but u kinda gave up

taxman this aint my first time winning top crew nor will it be my last but gl to u next session

anyone i forgot to mention go ahead and chime in

it was either focus on top crew or focus on #1, i was focusing on #1 and i won what i wanted. Top crew was just eh. Good job though nick. I dont really mind i lost. Just means im closer to retirement
[SIZE="5"]#1 most icons in game.[/SIZE] CoolWink:redface:Big Grin

I am retired ... long live SILENCE

[SIZE="5"]My Sluts

Pandera !!!!

[Image: laker.gif]
[Image: 49175.png] [Image: 49175-3199.gif]

Getting harassed? Have a cheat or bug to report? Have ideas to help the game. Feel free to contact me

jeremy brown says
im gay i like men

Quote:seth u talk a bunch of shit u could of simply asked me not to spam u and i would of stopped but dont threaten me lol

i spoke to seth about the pm you showed me, and it wasn't him. it was someone else but meh, i won't mention names Smile

and congrats!

lol tread. I can be owned? Since when? It's funny when people talk shit to me then end up regretting it and asking me for advice. You can try, but I hate to tell you that you will regret it just like everyone else has.

as far as you spamming seth, its a punk move. I can see you spam someone a little to get their models, but you were just screwing up his win/loss ratio which will kill someone's game if they plan on jumping.

its part of the game he gave me the best exp so i raced him... his crew did the same to me
he needs to get over it

also i have owned people before just like u have dont believe me ask tokkie

and mszura that was just the msg he sent me

ang i know u got what u wanted

lol why dont you ask tokkie if she thinks you have a chance. Hell, or anyone else for that matter. I just wish the game would start so we can have some fun Big Grin

i have not played in 2 or 3 years but i pick up fast so we will see

This is like Pootie Tang all over again

Pootie Tang! I come to call you out, maggoty eatin' *bitch*!

I just passed a tramp today and they said, "I haven't eaten in 3 days"... I said, "I wish I had your will power"

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