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not sure

Quote:ur a poof:mad:

to the rest of u- how did he get back in, yeah think thought wen u left u couldnt get back in :confused:

lol give it up loser i look at yr posts and i cant stop laugh'n at u sitting there cry'n bout this [censored]..and like i said itz not only cubby itz happened to but i guess u guys are blind or just injoy crying..happened to gidday matt win booted him from BP and got him back in 1st round of new MC 2nd time happened to gidday good booted from BTP then got back in the round matt win took out top crew..and im sure itz happened more then the 2 times i know of b4 cubby...

Quote: lol give it up loser i look at yr posts and i cant stop laugh'n at u sitting there cry'n bout this [censored]..and like i said itz not only cubby itz happened to but i guess u guys are blind or just injoy crying..happened to gidday matt win booted him from BP and got him back in 1st round of new MC 2nd time happened to gidday good booted from BTP then got back in the round matt win took out top crew..and im sure itz happened more then the 2 times i know of b4 cubby...

sooo.. its not just cubbys crew doing that its other crews too.. but look at the crews that have been doing it.. they were all top crew.. i bet if someone from a shitty crew tried to do that.. hmm.. tough luck.. its bullshit

i doubt any one from a shitty crew has tried though
"Whats the ultimate rejection?... Wen you are masturbating and you hand falls a sleep"

90teg2 says:
and if i cant eat it i dont want it!!

well i tryed once when i was in nsx looking after lukes account coz he was away at the time, and i booted sum1 for burn'n cmz from another crew so i was told, so i did the only thing i could at the time (4 the crew) but later alot of people told me he didnt , so i tryed but no luck and nsx won that round so not all top crews..lol must be the people that ask.. Wink

say'n that if he did or didnt,i dont really care coz i feel i made the right choice coz our crew was gettin hit hard coz of it and the person who let me know had enuf proof for me to even think bout boot'n him..otherwise i would'nt have...

well u probably havent bought enough credits yet

Cry me a river
Guess Who?

i already did

guys its simple some people can get favors done for them some cant. is this bending the rules 100% ex. i have seen people get raped Networth they spend to work for get Hi with a stolin CC and nuthing is done ( yess the cc was provin stolin )

But yet when some 1 ( not going to name names ) gets hacked or Even has givin there pass out get there Nw back that has been burnd or raced away

i could really go on and on about some of the stuff that happends but it really dont matter to me i hardly play just Hi
You look like i need a Drink Wink

u think ur sooooooo mad.....but no u r a fagget
u rekon u know everything about this game cos u know all the "good people's" first names aka monte skogey etcetc

u must b growling 2 much ass and not taking enough 4 urself cos dude ive never heard of u and u dont have 2 much 2 show getting a poo lip

btw how does there [censored] taste like??? obviously good cos u keep going back 4 more :o
Orgasm Donor

i have heard of him in ts but not in mc
im on his team in ts
"Whats the ultimate rejection?... Wen you are masturbating and you hand falls a sleep"

90teg2 says:
and if i cant eat it i dont want it!!

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