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The funniest part about you guys, is that YOU are the real shit talkers.
My original post said WE had a helper crew. Lol not even once did i mention Winners Circle, Nor Big Bangs crew. But who are the ones who showed up, automatically assuming I was talking about them.
And yes I really did believe you that you were trying Bang. You people are so naive.
Like i said, I said WE had a helper crew, and you two show up talkin shit.
Overall tho, you are the best unbeatable. You are god to me, and know much more than I ever will.
Congratulations on top crew, you earned it
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MC_Alumni Wrote:Lol I'll be glad to be known as a "cheater"
As for whatever it is you are talking about, im not really sure. We won our crew battles because Winners Circles car was de-tuned, not because of any other factor.
I just find it ironic, and hipocritical that people come in here (last session) and say this:
"id also like to say thanks to the entire nitemare crew.... even tho some of u guys were dirty it was fun competing against u lol
and then call me a crybaby bitch, because i pointed out the fact that there was a helper crew. if you guys wanna all deny it, thats cool. If you really thought you could win, thats great man nice try. Dont patronize everyone that plays the game man.
and yet someone argued that the crew system is completely balanced and fair, and bringing back accept/decline crew races would lead to helper crews.
The funniest part is, we got into the crew with no intentions on going for number one, and with that being said we didnt get any of our buddies to start a crew to better the odds for us. You are correct, the option was there, as it is for every single crew.
Yet, isnt it amazing there was only one crew to do so
Through all that, we still managed to give the top crew losses, lol, and finish within 100 mil, all without even going for top crew.
So those who think anyone in our crew was dissapointed, you are wrong. Im pretty sure everyone was satisfied with the final stats, I was at least.
Congratulations to Winners Circle.
You won against all odds
haha well im glad calling you out worked,
where do i start, the helper crew,
any crew that gives you a win is a helper crew period, so that makes kiro's crew our helper crew. not to mention the fact that we stood out of the crew races to give you lot some wins because you had taken loses early. so you guys got wins from them aswell, guess you really are a cheater, all be it a losing one.
Secondly, u think kiro wasnt going for top crew at all? haha fool why would he buy to many damn credits and then work them at 300 im's if he wasnt after the crew win at all?
Dude your far to fresh at this shit to try and act like you know what you are talking about, and im glad i now know your in game name cause your gonna be in my focal point for a long time. Everyone's gotta have someone to hate.
But good luck in the 8 day, ill be sure to pop in to build my mates a cheater crew, even tho if they lose they wernt going for the win anyway,
Im just glad i succesly had a hand in your not getting jack once again, but its not really that great of feeling cause its not like you deserved it anyway,
Well done kiro, a little less cruising next time bud and u mite have got the win.
Peace out all this is PIMPIN"s last journal of 08, stay safe
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dnb_Fueld Wrote:haha well im glad calling you out worked,
where do i start, the helper crew,
any crew that gives you a win is a helper crew period, so that makes kiro's crew our helper crew.
do you realize how stupid you sound. Any crew that loses a race is a helper crew are you really being serious right now?
IMHI is my name, so drop by and steal or do whatever you want, whenever you want. You stupid loser, HAHA why would i care if you steal from me in a game.
As for being new, just keep thinking you know it all. I started playing back in the beginning, so im about as old as it gets. I have never, and i'll repeat, EVER bought credits, yet ive finished top 10 in gold and reg, and this is my third round back and I got 10th.
Im a noob, so what. I can get top ten without spending. With the 4x crew bonus this game is completely lopsided and unfair, and thats coming from someone who has seen both sides.
I could do better, but frankly i can only spend so much time daily "spamming" the hell out of people for exp. When people like you come in here acting like your so much better than everyone, its increasingly obvious why no one plays this game anymore. The same people control it, and think that they are gods in a game with like 200 players. LOL
Back in the day i owned people with thousands of players. Top ten back then wasnt something you stumbled upon easily.
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dnb_Fueld Wrote:Secondly, u think kiro wasnt going for top crew at all? haha fool why would he buy to many damn credits and then work them at 300 im's if he wasnt after the crew win at all?
Im just glad i succesly had a hand in your not getting jack once again, but its not really that great of feeling cause its not like you deserved it anyway
See i especially enjoy this stupid . Lol me and my friend made it in top 10, when we were shooting for top 25. We werent going for top crew, whether Kiro was or not.
We finished better than we were aiming for, so tell me. Exactly how is that "Not Jack"
We got more than what we set out for
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MC_Alumni Wrote:See i especially enjoy this stupid . Lol me and my friend made it in top 10, when we were shooting for top 25. We werent going for top crew, whether Kiro was or not.
We finished better than we were aiming for, so tell me. Exactly how is that "Not Jack"
We got more than what we set out for
Kid, if only you knew. all you can do is call people stupid without reason, and claim we cheat,
If we win a race against another crew they have HELPED us, so in your books they are a HELPER crew.
And why would i steal from you haha, who steals from the poor,
Dont bring up old games kid, we arnt there now. and if we were id still be killing you, im not talking bout top tens nethier, im talking wins enough, top crew icons to decorate several accounts,. and some historic wins that people were proud to be second place to.
Why you think i talk like im better then u, mate i fucking am.
Feel free to drop me a list of medals your aiming for at the start of each round and see how many of them you achieve,
And really im loving this thread, your purched rite up high on everyones shit list now so enjoy bro, your days are numberd
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ur days r numbrd.... lol shut up female
Your so good and so much better than me, what the hell are you talking about HAHA. What are you better at, spamming races or not getting pussy.
First the "idiot" says, im glad i know your ingame race name, because you will be my focal point. Then he says, why would I target you? Moron, explain how my days r numbered.
You showed up here, not knowing what you are talking about, and thats how itll end. I never called top crew cheaters, I never mentioned top crews name until what do you know, the top crew and there bitch crew showed up crying. Yall are the crybaby bitches.
Since you are soooo good we all expect nothing less than first from you this round, so get that CC ready.
As for my days being numbered, im pretty sure the day i leave will be out of my own free will, not because some "nerd" who thinks he is god tells me to leave.
Its people like yall shit talkers, who come in here looking for an argument as to whos dick is longer, that most likely led to people leaving this game. You think your a god cuz you do good with a couple people playing haha.
Im three rounds in already getting top 10, and been in a top 10 crew all three rounds, one of which was my own. I dont know what defines skill in this game, but if top ten without spending isnt enough, than i dont know what is.
As for more medals, keep your eyes peeled. Its apparent that you know my game name.
Next time stay out of shit that dont pertain to you
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Guys,seriously just STFU!!! take your arguements elsewhere,like MSN,this was a Close session by the name,not same good session then start bitching thread.just cause someone says something,you dont have to think hes aiming it at you and go in and write paragraphs of abuse etc. just get over that this is a game not RL and its meant to be fun and ofc competitive but not full of some people who just like to cause shit.
I am teh Fail Frcg
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MC_Alumni Wrote:ur days r numbrd.... lol shut up female
Your so good and so much better than me, what the hell are you talking about HAHA. What are you better at, spamming races or not getting pussy.
First the "idiot" says, im glad i know your ingame race name, because you will be my focal point. Then he says, why would I target you? Moron, explain how my days r numbered.
You showed up here, not knowing what you are talking about, and thats how itll end. I never called top crew cheaters, I never mentioned top crews name until what do you know, the top crew and there bitch crew showed up crying. Yall are the crybaby bitches.
Since you are soooo good we all expect nothing less than first from you this round, so get that CC ready.
As for my days being numbered, im pretty sure the day i leave will be out of my own free will, not because some "nerd" who thinks he is god tells me to leave.
Its people like yall shit talkers, who come in here looking for an argument as to whos dick is longer, that most likely led to people leaving this game. You think your a god cuz you do good with a couple people playing haha.
Im three rounds in already getting top 10, and been in a top 10 crew all three rounds, one of which was my own. I dont know what defines skill in this game, but if top ten without spending isnt enough, than i dont know what is.
As for more medals, keep your eyes peeled. Its apparent that you know my game name.
Next time stay out of shit that dont pertain to you
Wait who is this? Mafiaman or LoveHateme or BOTH? I'm getting really confused.
I'm top crew material....I CAN SPAM RACES!!!!
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Its LoveMeHateMe, but i changed my name to IMHI. Mafiaman is at work right now. He will probally be home soon
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crazyfrog555 Wrote:Guys,seriously just STFU!!! take your arguements elsewhere,like MSN,this was a Close session by the name,not same good session then start bitching thread.just cause someone says something,you dont have to think hes aiming it at you and go in and write paragraphs of abuse etc. just get over that this is a game not RL and its meant to be fun and ofc competitive but not full of some people who just like to cause shit.
amen to that. this thread is dead anyway, seeing as the new session is starting soon.
I have my own forum name now, so please dont take anything i said and hold it against Mc Alumni aka MafiaMan
My race name is IMHI, so if anybody wants to hate, hate on me not him. I wont get on his name anymore either.
Good luck for next session everyone