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RAD gone again.

This is the second time this round. The first time I had +32 RAD points dissapear in less than 10 minutes while I was offline, Now, I have just lost 64 RAD points while I was racing online.
I am posting it in here because it is a waste of time doing a bug report, because since MC,TS and SPTN joined forces, the bug reports don't get answered. I know that rad may not mean very much to many of you, but when people see a large amount of RAD points next to your name, they will race you more and you will, inturn, gain more EXP points. This is really starting to get annoying, and I know that I am not the only person to have this problem this round.
Please do something about this problem BEFORE you lock/move or delete this thread.
My in game name is NeedEXP_agogo. please sort this out soon,because I NEED EXPERIENCE.

Peace out.
You use to write like a normal person and now youre enrolled in the mecca_boy school of blatant keyboard abuse.

I have same problem.. Was away for 5 or 10mins and all my RAD was gone.

well u no that when u dnt accept a challenge ur rad goes down but i accept all so when it happns to me it because when u race u run outa fuel so yea that could b y

your rad automatically gets reset to zero if you accept a race w/o any fuel.

yup wut he said thats wut i meant

i think RAD doesn't even help anything :crazy:
[ron white]BuUuUlLlLl SsHhIiIiItTtTt[/ron white]

each RAD point is equal that of 1 Import Model. more RAD = more IM's total possible.
i AM...
[Image: american_05.jpg]

u lose RAD for not responding to races..
or u lose all of it if u cancel a race..
back in the day.. Randy asked me to send him races for 250.. he'd decline them.. and would lose 3 RAD per race.. not sure.. but stop canceling races!!
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

I had fuel and NOS, I accepted every race that was sent to me, and I haven't declined any races. This is obviously an error in the game, because I didn't break down,or run out of fuel. Can someone sort this out.
You use to write like a normal person and now youre enrolled in the mecca_boy school of blatant keyboard abuse.

Quote:each RAD point is equal that of 1 Import Model. more RAD = more IM's total possible.

correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't the max # of IMs u can have equal to about 2times ur pimp factor?? :confused:

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