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Check Your Rankings... ME And Kevin Took 1rst and 2nd lol

i dont know what im atim prolly like 15th i know i was in 1st then with like 2 mins left i got raped the noob in me but i tryed

I got fifth, rofl

Good work Kevin man, you did that perfectly!

Looks like the old guys pulled off a top 5 finish!
BJJ-Purple Belt
Resident Engineer, Geologist, Genius

ok now shows i got 8th
Going For 1st in Top crew Looking for Good players workers

Current Rank: 1 if i put in the id, but if i look at the board i got 8th weird

So I was in first with 14 minutes left and had to log .... 57 bil...anyone know how many times I got raped???????????

i saw you get hit for 4bil in the last couple of mins, not sure how many more

lol ryan yes im high

ive overdosed on something in the claritin and robutussin im taking for the flu

the ingredient DMX its wierd as fuck i stand up and fall over...

idk wtf happened on mc i guess i got lucky...bye guys

18th Tongue
Leader of The ORIGINAL
Top25: 4 (Feb 2008) | TopCrew: 1

do we get our credits back if we purchased them and didnt use most of them?
ill bring you hell

damn this was my 2nd round playing and i was satisfied with being ranked 131.....mabey next go-round ill play harder and get up into the top 50......

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