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Dear Raymond

Raymond as a concerned memeber of all of your games i will try and be brutally honest here.

The main issue in this game is macros these are some very simple solutions.
A) make Autoplay back to the way it was when you first implemented it. (i.e. Gains cm's,normal exp, and tunes up the cars and all that jazz)That way there is absolutely NO REASON to run a bot/macro program.
B) if you do not wish to do that, then there is another very simple piece of software u could implement. It is a Verification code box. (basically its the numbers 1-15 and u must choose correctly.) Along with this feature you should also have it linked to the user rating system.
(i.e. u miss click 5 times then u lose 5 User Rating %. 10 times u lose 15%, and so on and so forth).

The 2nd issue that I currently have is the way you treat your clientele. We are people and we have respect for you and however if we cheat u can lay down the law and just be simple concise with your ruling and just leave it at that. Don't ask them why they did it just be a professional business person and show them respect. If they are a repetetive cheater just make their punishment more severe.

I hope you will take this into consideration as you continue to implement changes into the game.

Raymond another part of the responsibility of owning your own online game is changing up the coding from time to time making macro's impossible to overrule your game. That is the difference between the elite players they will find any way they can to gain an advantage whether its purchasing credits to macroing. It is your job to take care of this stuff but here is a few basic solutions to the main issues.

Thanks for your time and hope to see some pleasant responses to this.


I do not believe that punishing the best players will help the game in any way.

The VERY reason they are the best, is because they exploit every possible way they can to make them faster, get more experience, and get to a higher level both figuratively and in game play.

So, in effect whats happening here is that you can play MC well , but not TOO well? Isn't the whole point to be the best that you can be?

It is the TOTAL responsibility of the games owners, not the players, to make sure that macro's & bots dont work! Change the coding!! If there is an "edge" to be gained, it WILL be exploited, PERIOD.

Punishing the very best players because the game has an inhernet flaw is just silly.


Let the players play as well as they possibly can, dont punish them because they are smart or an opportunist, these are the qualities of WINNERS regardless of the venue. This whole situation has been gone about the wrong way. Ray, please rethink your position. Theres no future in "dumbing down" your players.

Let the winners win, the cream always rises to the top. If the best players can't win, theres no reason to bother playing, and damned sure no reason to spend.

The main reason MC is fun is the competition, if you take that away, you've RUINED your game. Why would you do that?

I've played since the start of MC, and I have helped so many of you that I lost count long ago. I would hate to see this game be ruined.

Milf Pleaser

both of you make extremely valid points.

i quit the game before because i wasn't pleased with the changes, i came back have been playing, always enjoy playing the game... taking action to players who actually play this game is great, but it will only allow them to not want to play.

but the reason why i actually play this game has nothing to do with the actual game... its about networking, who you meet. a lot of people here are awesome.

the actually game play is boring, same stuff over and over, nothing ever all that new.

i like old mc, it was exciting and challenging, where you could get hits like crazy. but that not the point, the point is what needs to be done now. fixing the problems that are present that are making people suffer is what needs to be done. i know it may be a lot of work, but it will greatly benifit the game.

mike every point you make i think its great. people will always se all flaws they can to benefit in any way.

just my two cents.... but it would be great to see some change

The game has flaws, flaws that we can exploit with a macro/bot.

The reasonable solution is the FIX the flaws so the macro's dont work..........

The solution thats been implemented is to punish the best players?

Wheres the logic in this?
Milf Pleaser

It almost sounds like now it's whoever is best at not getting caught will win.

I agree with Krazy and the verification box. Bring back rev 1 style racing and have that verification box. If someone is able to make a bot go by that, then congrats, let them do it.

It's like card counting in a casino, the house gets mad when you can use a system. They try to discourage you, but still at the same time they don't make too many efforts to make it harder to card count. (slight correlation there)
Miss Kelly

This is a valid point
you wouldnt have to punish players for cheating if you took away their methods to cheat...
i think if it was made harder to cheat(aka macro blah blah) it would introduce a new level of competition into the game because all of the good players who already know the ins and outs of the game would be forced to learn new strategies to enable themselves to stay at the top of the game...

I mean honestly... once your on top you wanna stay there, so if the game changes do you not rework how you play accordingly?

I agree that the solution is to offer a fix instead of banning and leaving the same avenue's open for cheating...
if it isnt fixed, more people learn to cheat and it just all becomes a big circle ban one, more rise up to cheat in their place...
*insert signature here*

not to mention banning players makes the community smaller, ie less money is made....fix the problems in the game and keep the players

We are definately aware of the macro/bots issue with our games. The dilemna we face, is that in order to stop the (few) cheaters, if we implement an image verification system of some sort, then the rest of the players that don't cheat will ultimately suffer because everyone will have to perform an extra step when playing the game.

Perhaps, there isn't any other solution.

Kelly087 Wrote:It almost sounds like now it's whoever is best at not getting caught will win.

I agree with Krazy and the verification box. Bring back rev 1 style racing and have that verification box. If someone is able to make a bot go by that, then congrats, let them do it.

It's like card counting in a casino, the house gets mad when you can use a system. They try to discourage you, but still at the same time they don't make too many efforts to make it harder to card count. (slight correlation there)

Wouldnt someone making a bot be the same thing as macroing? If you are saying good for them arnt you saying good for everyone else now?

Its all the same idea, its all just a cycle. Everything will continue to happen, it just will be in a different way. It will be that challenge for someone to come up with a new way to be the top.

As with card counting, they will black list you from casinos if you that good, haha

RVC codes are a royal pain in the ass
they were the last time we had them, they will be if we get them again
but unless there is some sort of macro implimented into the AP like kevin said there isnt going to be much stopping them..
*insert signature here*

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