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Let the raping begin...?

finally dan...lol...

we need more old school guys to come back and own these newer guys :twisted:

but some of the old skool guys (myself actually) dont know how to f'in play
SpamaticS - Slick

thats not true slick u are a highly skilled forum whore

OuTkAsT_2 Wrote:we need more old school guys to come back and own these newer guys :twisted:
oh *cough *cough *cough

haha :x

*pandar says we don't need big pockets! :o

And of course, i am once forgotten, Phone or NO phone... i still called you, bastid!!!!!! no love for middy.... /cry

but im glad youre out and doing well.

also invite me for next round or maybe this round for some HI and BOOST action, i made a post about it earlier, but with my unknown self noone will join me Sad.

plus i have our babies in my sac, so you need me Smile
[Image: Midori_Fairy_by_buttonnose.jpg]

ill join too...even though im noob at HI and boost...dont matter to me...it will be fun...and jeremy...u know i always got ur back...

count me in ...

ill try and talk spidy,rainydays and bob in aswell Wink

Dan pwns me in so many ways! Smile <3

i dont know about this nooob bashing business... i'm a noob and work very hard to try get a name in the game thanks very much dan.... nah if your going ahead with a HI crew i want in... i'm not one for the racing side of the game too impatient... but hitting who doesnt like GREEN!

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