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New Camcorder.

I finally picked one out, I asked nearly a million questions, but I think I made the right choice with this one.

[Image: 7605852_ra.jpg]

Panasonic MiniDV Digital Camcorder with 2.7" Widescreen LCD Monitor

It's pretty sweet I'd say. I still haven't made any movies with it yet or done much of anything.

I ended up paying $677 out the door with all kinds of things I probably wouldn't need now, but would be good to have.

-4hour batter (vs. 1.5hour factory battery)
-carrying case
-memory stick (for pictures/stills)
-extra tapes
-4 year warranty, $100. The only thing I liked about this was that the rep. basically said I could break it for the next 4 years and get it replaced. sweet ehhh? ehhh?

The camera even serves as a webcam, crazy.

and I can zoom a mile! (not really).

I felt like going for one of them Sony DVD camcorders, but nahh
this'll do the trick.

The only thing I dislike of it is that it doesn't have night vision mode that may just be the reason to take it back. It does have a light, but doesn't do much of anything.

I can't wait to start using it for the trails, concerts, races, mountains, or any random act.

I'd get something fancy, but knowing myself I'll probably break it at least once or twice within the first year.

good job. want to lend it to me?
nan dattebayo¿!!!

PSHHHHH! P.O.S. i mean come on my imaginary camcorder does donut round your rinky dink Tongue lol jp'n nice camera!
No Whining please!

Nice camera, yes you need everything you bought lol, TRUST me on this. The miniDV owns those stupid disks in my opinion.

Go find the eagletron software to run it as a web cam, serious res and it runs through the firewire cable. Software is called trackercam and it's free as compared to the other crap out there that they charge for.

If you do take it back because of the night vision take a look at the Canons. I took mine to the strip the day I got it, and you would swear the video was shot during the day and it was twilight into nighttime!


Is that one any good?

I see that it has + night vision, - webcam

I believe it has the ability to shoot stills?

I'm going right back right now to get it if its any good.
He who wants it all, wont. He who gets it all, wont. He who works for it, will. - Nemesio

Does this mean you'll replace your 950KB avatar with a 1MB+ one now?

Honestly Nemesio i would stick with what ya got or get that sony dvd one because ya dont have to do any editing on the comp or brunt onto a dvd it comes out that way! and actually almost all new video cameras shoot stills and a lot of them have the nightvision!
No Whining please!

Alright I'm pissed off.

I took off to best buy around 8:30pm to return that panasonic for the canon.

the panasonic by far owns the canon in features, looks, quality.

I can't seem to find the night mode on this damn canon and i've gone through each feature and pushed every button.

Not Cool.


I have this now btw. It states that it DOES have night mode.

This is bs.
He who wants it all, wont. He who gets it all, wont. He who works for it, will. - Nemesio


The friggin night mode SUCKS.

It isn't any better then the weak ass light that the panasonic had.


Im pissed off.

They gave me the wrong one AGAIN.
He who wants it all, wont. He who gets it all, wont. He who works for it, will. - Nemesio

=/ My canon is a touch higher than the one you just showed. I love the night mode on mine. The quality is there if you get the modes figured out I haven't had any issues at all. Sorry you aren't pleased.

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