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calder12 Wrote:I think the differences between you two stem from beliefs, Chris is religious, DA either isn't or is on the other end of the spectrum. It's kinda sad really too many of the worlds attrocities have been commited from both sides of that arguement.

But that being said when I first started seeing DA in the forums you used to piss me off to no end lol but I don't hold grudges and your attitude toward me in game and your kinda about face in the forums has changed that, you're far less inflamatory than you used to be (still opinionated but so am I). Chris has his days too (the Class A arguement/discussion) where you can say things out of frustration I don't think you really mean them the way they come out.

But all in all you're both decent guys and I think if you could see past DA's choices on religion (and remember it is a choice we all have the right to make) then I think you'd like him too.

Only one who doesnt act like a fool......
Always ready for a new challenge.


XxPakixX Wrote:this thread is boring Sad

[Image: strawberry_creme_smoothie_mix.jpg]

that looks pretty bad david :oops:

Teh_Piss_Pan Wrote:
SHA Wrote:
BLuRRy_FaST_SpEEd Wrote:You got urself a damn deal SHA..

Lets call some boys...

slick Prove these 3
Kiro = wanker
alafalfa = nobody
KINGDING Would side with me over you any day
Lonewolf Would side with me over you any day

BRING IT..Those are my boyz and i respect em ALL!

Yes you may call them you're boys, but do they call you theirs?

and do they respect you?
i'd turn lonewolf and king ding against u Wink
romeo, ross, and alex would side w/ me over you..
sily SHA...

u think they are your boys?? o_O

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You could turn everyone on that list against me except KINGDING, we are real life mates

And Nick I aint been about alot, got exams and all, ill chat to ya on MSN when I see ya

truth is i juSt like seeing everyone talk abt me and mention me makes me feel all warm n special inside.

i <3 kirodiesal = ghey names =O

i s2 teh l337 panda = curvasious nipples :]~~~~~

i </3 jdm = pink slushy my fave @_@

we should ride the train for free i built the rail road....?

im from the M I M I, Mami, AM I AM I...curising down the street in a dum di doo doo di doo di doo

rom3o Wrote:curising down the street in a dum di doo doo di doo di doo

Cruisin down the street in my 64..

R.I.P. EZ <3
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]


wow...i was mentioned in a forum...thats satisfying..but im a no one and a noob Smile...so i just though id say that...i see im not wanted here so ill leave

BLuRRy_FaST_SpEEd Wrote:alright burn u out...I have not lost any cms this session but 9..You all ******* accuse me of losing cms in the shop but i didnt..I am not no damn noob...So..Your ass needs to shut up coz i think ur the noob..You might get into paki's crew coz you lie to him about what you can do..Trust me..I have been desperate and done the same..As Takumi..But..I've learned you get no respect from that..(thanks takumi) Dont sit there and tell me i am a noob because you have NEVER been in a REAL top crew..I have one time..TRUST ME..It's hard competition..Imperial would have caught the shop..If Lonewolf left it was coz the rest of your crew wasnt pitching in with cms and cbr and losing cms..Lonewolf told me he was the ONLY one racing there and the ONLY one that didnt lose cms..You need to learn and get your facts right..You dont know me..I dont know you..But i know your a bigger noob than me..Others might not think so but i do..PeAcE~(pwned)

PWNED?? WTF are u talking about u n00b?! LMFAO, even Kiro admitted that if "The Shop" stayed it woulda been a good competition. Its just that Lonewolf left and I was just there to help him along since he invited me (also Lonewolf was the co-leader). And u were invited wayyyy later when we alrdy had everything setup. The only reason u got in was b/c of ur constant begging.

Also, that's 9 more CMs than I lost in that crew =P so ur a n00b at working, and I know ur lying about 9 CMs b/c I saw u post in the crew forum a numerous times about losing CMs.

Furthermore, Kiro's crew msg said he kicked u out of the crew "Imperial" b/c you were constantly lying... I don't know what was up in that crew, but I just saw the crew msg.

Lastly, I didn't lie about shi!t to get into a crew. I have known racers that referred/recommended me. EXP-Wrait, Illicit, Black_Metal, Blunt, and insane_kicks

insane_kicks said "paki not sure if my reccomendation means anything to you but shadow_knight is definately an awesome racer

when blunts crew was finished, but blunt thought we still had hope.. he kept racing hard out cos its what blunt expected"

Wrait said "yeah u not a bad player
and it wasn't hard to race more than most of the ppl in blunts crew
the first few days we kicked ass then no1 came online to race
all wanted a free ride
but over all burn_u_out is a pritty good racer
paki consider this fellow"

Illicit said "Yeah paki , Burn U Out is an awsome racer.. I remember that from being on blunts crew before he disbanded.He is a CM magnet."

And here is 5000 credz worth of workings that I did without losing any CMs

Also, here are a few recent workings with the 5000 bonus credz we got...

burn-u-out [12/25 04:09PM]: MAKE SOME CASH

Your Import Models sold 13,965,533 calendars, which made you $69,827,665.
Your Crew Import Models made you an additional $767,350.
You lost 0 disgruntled Import Models.
You have 265,739,182 calendars remaining.

You currently have 265 Crew Import Models working for you.

burn-u-out [12/25 04:11PM]: MAKE SOME CASH

Your Import Models sold 13,359,359 calendars, which made you $66,796,795.
Your Crew Import Models made you an additional $570,560.
You lost 0 disgruntled Import Models.
You have 292,207,456 calendars remaining.

You currently have 265 Crew Import Models working for you.

burn-u-out [12/25 04:14PM]: MAKE SOME CASH

Your Import Models sold 20,757,674 calendars, which made you $103,788,370.
Your Crew Import Models made you an additional $535,210.
You lost 0 disgruntled Import Models.
You have 318,249,299 calendars remaining.

You currently have 265 Crew Import Models working for you.

burn-u-out [12/25 04:15PM]: MAKE SOME CASH

Your Import Models sold 11,339,690 calendars, which made you $56,698,450.
Your Crew Import Models made you an additional $619,560.
You lost 0 disgruntled Import Models.
You have 410,697,979 calendars remaining.

You currently have 265 Crew Import Models working for you.

burn-u-out [12/25 04:27PM]: MAKE SOME CASH

Your Import Models sold 5,190,161 calendars, which made you $25,950,805.
Your Crew Import Models made you an additional $371,060.
You lost 0 disgruntled Import Models.
You have 462,206,224 calendars remaining.

You currently have 265 Crew Import Models working for you.


chill out g

have a slushy

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